
Max MegaPower, an erotic story of a gigolo


All English translations are done as honestly as possible by a non-native speaker. However, if there are any mistakes, please feel free to comment.

🇪🇦 spanish version Parte 1 & Parte 2

My name is Aurelio Ortiz.

God has a plan for me. A huge one. As big as the cock I fit. And that plan is not to die of sorrow in my shitty hometown, Los Olmos de San Juan, Ávila.

The plan could be to study, but I don't like studying and never have. I'm more into fucking. And a lot.

When I was an adolescent, my father and my uncle Andrés were very heavy-handed about teaching me their tiring job as cattle breeders. To milk the cows. And I only want them to milk me. Like cousin Sarita did. She couldn't wait to see my cucumber, and when she saw it she almost fainted. She told me it was too fat and developed for my age. I still didn't know what fucking was, but Sarita taught me right away. She was quite the little slut. She sucked every last drop out of me. I must not have behaved badly, because the next day she came with her best friend, hand in hand, to do it all over again. I let her do it and they had a great time. They couldn't get enough and kept telling me I had a cock like a pot. Since then there's not a day that goes by that I haven't unleash my cucumber.

In small towns there's a lot of vice.

Sometimes Sarita came alone, sometimes with her friend, her sister, her mother or whoever had a skirt. I had enough for everyone. I had queues outside the house. None of them ever complained. The only thing they told me was not to open my mouth. That I was a hick, that I didn't know how to talk and that I'd even fired from the kindergarten. All I had to do was pull out my long, fat cock and they were hypnotised, licking their lips and I had to pull more than one of them aside to wait her turn, everyone were like anxious. But that I shouldn't talk, that I was very well endowed, but, on the contrary, I was very short and stupid. I laughed because I didn't understand what they meant, and I gave them another cockslap in the teeth for being clever.

They repeated over and over again that I was dumber than a rock, that I hadn't studied anything, while I made them roll her eyes with another dick whack, I laughed with my mouth open, my pants down to my ankles and asked them: And what good has all that studying done you, if you're getting fucked by the village idiot? More than one of them came like a bitch while answering "it hasn't helped me at all".

My parents, trying to get me on track, since they didn't make a career out of me at school, sent me to study with Father Andrés. I was an altar boy until I was 17. But all the girls in the village kept looking for me, locking me in the confessional, begging me to play the role of Father Miguel and listen to their sins. I used to get very horny listening to them. They were all very naughty. Confessing and praying to get the devil outside of them. I wasn't there to take anything out, I'm there to put in. To put the raging devil inside them with several dickslaps. They nodded in delight. I'd change rooms and fuck them a few times right there. From the blows they gave each other with their heads against the wall, they chipped the whole wall and the crucifixes fell off with the trapeze artist.

Then, the horny whores, who were all very devout, while I put my Easter candle in them, shouted out the name of God, the Lord and all the saints. They also begged me to take it out in time so as not to get them pregnant, but sometimes I did it and sometimes, many times, I didn't. I don't do anything. I'm not such an asshole? So that's it, pastry cream for everyone.

One time I even fucked a mother and a daughter at the same time. Then I wiped my turnip with the holy water basin while they crossed themselves in front of the altar and threw in a few coins as an offering. I couldn't stop laughing. I didn't leave any of the people without absolution. Even the young widow, dressed in strict black, of the mayor who had died two days before, received my deepest condolences and my cock. That one, a recent connoisseur of my tool, I shoved it up her arse until it was up against my balls. You can't believe how the slut squealed. Everyone in the mortuary next door thought it was out of grief for her dead husband. Surely the young widow wished she could be reunited with her husband because she was screaming so much. I tell you, nothing could have been further from the truth.

God had blessed me with a dick I didn't deserve. And that shitty town wasn't going to clip my wings. God had big plans for me.

Before I left the village I had already fucked them all. Also my aunt Alejandra, Sarita's mother, so that she would stop crying about me leaving. And the widow again, who couldn't sit down for a week because of how I left her ass. Everyone in the village at nine months celebrated the fact that she was pregnant by the deceased. Yes, the deceased.

I'm like a piece of gold. An angel. Hole I see, hole I plug.

Oh, another thing, I always fuck bareback. Fucking with a condom is fucking with the dick in a plastic bag.

I control more than all you together.

Tired of being locked up in life, and I admit that running away from Asunción who was spouting the lie that I knock up her, I got out of town. I only fucked her once behind a fig tree, so it's impossible that I knock her up. Everybody knows that, you don't get pregnant the first time.

My cousin Rogelio had a cheese delivery business in the capital. I called him and offered to go and help him with the van to deliver in the neighbourhood. That with my mere presence we were going to sell a lot. That he would only take me into his house for a few weeks until I could find a place to stay. He lived with her half-novice girlfriend. Before I left I gave Asun another goodbye fuck. I also know that if you fuck the same girl in the same place it cancels out the previous one, so it's impossible for her to get pregnant. That is studied in philosophy. Morgan's law, I think it's called. Before she could get up with her panties hanging around her ankle, I was already catching a bus to the capital.

I've got a big dick, but I'm a bit spendthrift so I paid the trip with the four savings of the widow who was in love with me.

Silvia, my cousin's girlfriend, picked me up at the South station. What a girlfriend my dumb-ass cousin had got for himself. She was a modest girl who was studying about animals at the University...

As hot as she was, with her hair in a plait, her hands clasped as if she was going to pray, her flowery dress and her tits without a bra, she was a horror at driving. Like all girls. She brakes like hell. There wasn't a red light where she didn't slam on the brakes. She confessed to me that she didn't take the car much and that she was a bit nervous. It was normal, she would have seen the big package I have and I couldn't look at anything else.

I asked her nicely to park the car and I took it. As soon as I parked, I took out my cock, which was already harder than the rock of Gibraltar. She opened her eyes exaggeratedly looking at my hypnotising cock.

-Silvia, give it a blowjob. It's not going to suck itself. Welcome her to the city. I'm also very upset from my trip and you could use some relaxation too.

-But Aurelio, what are you asking me? I'm your cousin's girlfriend and... Here in the middle of the street, where everyone can see us? And poor Rogelio, exhausted, tired of working and I'm sucking your fat, wonderful cock?

-I put my jacket over my head and lean back in the seat. People will think I'm sleeping. That I've come home from work exhausted. It's all right. Everyone does their own thing here. Come on, fuck, I'm getting off and you don't want that, do you?

-You're shameless, asking me for this indecency... just insinuating it to me makes me sick! -Silvia protested, as she licked my cock eagerly, pulling her hair back behind her ear.

When I came a few minutes later, I took the opportunity to honk the car horn repeatedly. Let the whole town know that I had arrived. Silvia's face and hair were a mess. She would have been smarter than that.

When I arrived at my cousin's house, he was very happy to see me and apologised several times for not being able to pick me up. I told him that it was okay, that Silvia had been very good and that she had even brought me something to snack on. She asked me about her sister Sara and Charo. I told them that they were fine, as was their mother. That they lacked nothing in the village. And that even their mother had put on some weight and was a bit bigger.

At night I fucked Silvia again. Against a wall. That night, she didn't even have time to take off her boots. I took off her panties, threw them on a lamp and shoved them into her in one go. For a half novice, she was tattooed up to her tits. Silvia wrapped her legs around my body and begged, biting my ear, for forgiveness. That she was very weak and that my cock had her under its evil spell. But that she loved my cousin deeply as she demanded that I increase the rhythm and cum inside her, otherwise she was going to report me.

A few days later I started to deliver with the van and they made a mess of things. I parked in a handicapped parking space as I always do, while I went to the bar to get some churros and read the sportnewspaper MARCA. When I got out thirty minutes later, the traffic officer was giving me my prescription. I pretended to be clueless by getting into the car, and asked her to drive away. She told me no way, oranges from China.

-How much? -I asked her with the best of my smiles as I uncovered biceps.

-90€, she replied listlessly as she finished typing on that puppy that looked like a Pokémon catcher.

-Well, cheap, come on in, I replied. I couldn't hold back the joke.

She went ballistic and ordered me out of the vehicle. She put me facing the side wall of the van. I already had a huge erection. I´m bit into authority, you know? I think she had a lot of fun touching my dick over and over again. Aurelín was getting bigger and bigger under my overalls.

-What have we got here? Armed in the early hours of the morning, she whispered in my ear as he nibbled on my lobe. I'm going to call another agent to help me. Fuensanta? Come right away, we have a 9-09.

The officer kept rubbing my dick...

-Girl, be careful with the material, you're going to hurt yourself. They don't teach you how to handle this stuff at the academy. Do you have a dangerous cargo handling licence?

The officer asked me for my address and warned me that I had better be home that afternoon to be fined properly. That my cheek would not go unpunished. She patted my ass and told me to move along.

In the afternoon, I was alone, at my cousin's house and I received them in underpants. They came in dressed as cops and told me I was a very bad boy. They handcuffed me to the headboard of the bed and pulled down my pants with a truncheon. One of them, the one I didn't know, Fuensanta, I almost poked her eye out with my cock. The other one, the one I did know, Kira, without saying a word, got on top of me, pushed her official police panties a bit aside with her hand and started riding me. Like a colt. The sow liked it a lot. She moved more than the panties of a woman with one leg. She unbuttoned her shirt and her tits spilled over my face. I think she was a Mountie at least. What an art of riding. When I was about to explode, Fuensanta, pulled my lubricated member out of her friend's pussy and started to swallow it. One minute and I unloaded like a bull. Litres and litres of cum. I'm so horny for authority. I told you, didn't I? She swallowed it without complaint and left some for her friend to pass around in her mouth. They both laughed and walked away, leaving me handcuffed. When my cousin came back, I told him that they had broken in and raped me.

A few days later, the agents gave me an address and a name to ask for if I wanted to get some extra money. They told me that my cock need to eat everyday and that if I said I came from Kira Munich or Fuensanta, they would give me an aptitude test. They must have been their code names in that godforsaken place. They also told me I should get a stage name. Like Brad Wurst.

I went to Madame Le Noir, and the name they gave me, Papa Booze, took care of me. He asked me a load of bullshit; what, if I was discreet, clean and the like. He asked me if I had credentials, I didn't answer and pulled my dick out.

-What do you think of these credentials? -I said, showing him the whole cerulean cunt.

Papa Booze raised his eyebrows and hired me as a caretaker, on the spot. Every now and then I was asked to fuck a client, or beat up my friend Samir from the CCTV room (he took a lot of mine, then we'd laugh together, him with a few less teeth). I didn't last long, I had already fucked all the waitresses and female customers. I wasn't very discreet either. A regular at the place recommended me to take part in some porn movies that a friend of his was starting to shoot. Easy money for a cock like yours, he said. I told him I'd think about it. "Do it, here's a career for you" he kept telling me, the heavy of the balls. I nodded, and offered to accompany his petite Asian girlfriend with long black hair to get the coats. I fucked her in the ass, between a row of coats. Her long hair was down to her asshole. I split it in two equal parts with my cock. I felt like Noah pushing back the waters of the Ebro in that Ben Hur movie. He waited patiently outside. You can't imagine how the little Chinese girl squealed in her own language. Every time she squealed, I covered her mouth with my hand and her ass with my cock. In the end, she came out half limp with an extra load of "Flower liqueur" between her legs. The limp, she explained to the guy, was because she had broken a heel. I wiped my cock with a mink coat, smoked a cigarette and left the place, for good.

Paquito Fernández, the director of the feature film, asks to be called on the set by his stage name, Don Dick Corleone. He orders me to undress about an hour before and without breakfast. I wiggle my dick while I wait my turn. To last longer I unload on a nearby plastic palm tree. I'll play the role of an explorer with a salacot and it's my turn to fuck Visitación, a native of Carabanchel, but blacker than a cricket's balls. She'll play the role of a nubian slave. I haven't quite figured out what the story of "The lost Tumb of Slutamon" is about. I've tried to take an interest in learning the four lines of the script, but I get lost looking at the black woman's tits. You can't do it like that. The black woman has such melons that I'd finish breeding there. What I want to do is to take off my cimborro now and fuck Visi. I know how to do that.

Visi, sorry, the slave Nala, throws the cigarette butt to a corner causing almost a fire in the set, kneels down and starts to suck me. Mother what fat, black tits she has. They're like honey pots. I read on the internet that Methodist actors or something like that get so into the role that nobody knows who's who anymore. I improvise a bit to give more veracity and morbidity to the story.

-Suck, you black whore, I yell and slap her to make it more realistic. The "Spilber" of porn, camera in hand, with a short beret and chewing gum, just a few centimetres from my ass, shouts at me like a beast, asking me what the fuck I'm doing and to shut up. I reply that I was improvising. And that I'm a method or methodist actor. I don't know. He tells me to cut the bullshit and say my lines.

Visi, fuck, Nala listens to Paquito's explanations without letting go of my cock and goes back to sucking me. It's getting fatter and fatter. I open and close my mouth ostentatiously to show that I'm enjoying it. The fucking little salacot, bought in a Chinese bazaar, is falling off and I tell the black whore to suck me again. Paquito puts his hands to his head, throws the beret on the floor and tells me I'd better not say anything. I stop in my tracks and tell him that I am very committed to the role, and the opportunity he has given me, and that I will say no more. I then tell Nala to suck my balls a bit now. Up and down like a Calippo Ice cream.

Visi has lit another cigarette, takes four puffs and then four sucks on my huge cock, blowing the smoke into my cock. The cigarette is still in his hand and Paquito is rolling. Were there cigarettes in Egypt? What nonsense I say, of course they did... Camel! There were pyramids, a camel and everything. I'm not an idiot, okay? Something has stayed with me from high school.

I like the black ones, how reddish they have the beaver. I tell Visi that I really like the blowjob and to keep sucking, black whore. Paquito doesn't say anything and keeps on rolling. The slave puts a finger in my ass and I can't help but paint his face with a pistol almost on the spot. I scream, and the stagehand behind a cardboard wall is so scared that he falls to the ground. Paquito shouts that it's all bullshit and stops filming with his camera. He tells me to go and get a calamari sandwich in the kitchen or fuck off, whichever I like better, to improvise. That's what I'm a shitty actor for. When I get back to the hall, the security guard tells me that the director has told him not to come back, gives me a kick in the balls, a plastic bag from Alcampo with my clothes in it and 50€. Sons of bitches. Anyway, it was a shit film.

Fucking mafia. Envy is what they've got on me and they can't deal with a dick like mine. My dick should be in a museum. An important one. Like the Ham Museum from Madrid. At least I kept Visi's phone number.

I decide to call her in the afternoon to finish the job and a guy from Manolo's Delicatessen answers the number. That if I call for the salami order.... The dumb black woman made a mistake when she gave me the phone number. I tell Manolo to fuck off and assure him that, for good sausage, the one I have between my legs. I hang up. I call back. Visi doesn't get on, that bastard Manolo does. I shout at him to stop calling me and hang up.

As long as I don't get anything, I work disguised as the disgusting plumber Mario or Micky Mouse in the Retiro Park in Madrid. It's temporary, of course. Its very hot inside teh disguise, hotter than his fucking mother riding a horse at the desert. I also make figures with balloons and for 5€ I let myself be photographed. I give the balloons to the kids and if the parents don't want to pay for them, I take them away and they start crying. Almost always the parents end up paying.

When some hottie comes to have her picture taken, I take the opportunity to "sneak" almost my whole hand under her trousers and thong. I put on a falsetto voice so that the boyfriend or husband thinks I'm a chick, when I've already stuck two fingers in her clam. A few, I mean a lot of them come back late in the afternoon looking for me. He fucked them mercilessly behind a tree. Of course, without removing the Mickey Mouse's big head that allows me to unroll a tongue from the rodent's mouth. I'm sure she had another purpose, but I find it very amusing that she hangs like a towel over her shoulder while I give her a meaty thrust that scares the pheasants in the nearby gardens into a flutter. When I'm Mario Bro, I don't even take off my overalls and I give the sluts theirs with all my meat tool. I always end up asking for between 50-100€ so I don't report them.

My name is Aurelio Ortíz, maybe you don't know me, but just ask your mother, sister or girlfriend...

Safe Creative 2206051298085

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¡The soundtrack of Max MegaPower!

David Guetta feat. Flo Rida - Club Can't Handle Me


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