
End-of-course practices, a story of Manu & Lucía

All English translations are done as honestly as possible by a non-native speaker. However, if there are any mistakes, please feel free to comment.

    -Tell me everything properly and from the beginning, demands an energetic Lucía with her tits in the air as she adjusts her huge, crimson-lensed Gucci sunglasses. The cool late-afternoon breeze lifts the pamela she likes to throw over the balcony when she's horny in an act of defiance. Lucía, now dyed blonde, with long fine hair. The consumption of pamelas lately is brutal. The beach is slowly becoming orphaned of bathers and the rhythmic clapping of the waves as they reach the shore is lethargic. At the same time, the heat has started to drop, and it is beginning to get a little cooler.

    Lucía's mind is going crazy from the heat. In the background, the cheerful, carefree music of a beach bar and the clatter of cutlery invite her and her friend Manuela to have a glass of wine a little later. Two tanned, "well-built" young men with muscular torsos and strong biceps are playing with a ball a few hundred meters away. The tight-fitting Speedo swimming costumes, one red and the other navy blue, barely retain the spectacular swinging limbs of the two summer sportsmen. You stare at their packages... meaty tails.

    There are two types of cock. The blood ones and the meat ones. The blood ones are, at first, not spectacular in size and these once erect, double, triple in size and reach their maximum splendor. And then there are the flesh ones, beautiful cocks that don't unfold much more than their original size when aroused... they just get hard. Lucía bites her lips as Manuela turns around and takes off her floral bikini top - divine freedom! Spanish tits are never alone.

    Her beautiful white tits stand out against her tanned flag-woman body. It's her breasts, two creamy delights. Canthars of honey. Wide aureoles on perky breasts. I could eat her tits right now, sand and all. Enjoy the saltiness of her nipples. One of the boys, the short-haired chocolate brown one, laughs ostentatiously at the white one's lack of skill with the ball. The white guy has, apart from a ravishing smile, a funny Freddy Mercury porn moustache that makes Manu's heart race. Of course, they know that Manu and Lucía are keeping an eye on them, so they force mistakes in the game to sneak a peek at our friends' great tits and shapely asses. The unsuspecting girlfriends of both sportsmen have left for the beach bar a while ago, unaware of the danger to their relationships. Lucía smiles. Manu starts to tell the story... from the beginning.

    -Well, as Ximena told us months ago, the hope of passing the practical classes at the OpenFly Air cabin crew academy is slim, it's not easy at all. We already knew that. The surprise was to see Margarita Puig i Solans next to our names on the Final list, after the sifting of 24 girls. You weren't surprised that Ximena didn't make the Final cut with all her Andrea technique and all that nonsense. -continues an animated Manuela without avoiding laughing every second. She has perfect white teeth. She could go to bed with that smile even with the Pope... twice.

    -Ximena was never that kind of girl, Manu... Didn't it strike you that she never passed? Her thing is something else... that they owe her favors. Wanting to be a stewardess is an excuse. -Lucía, an honorary private investigator, indoctrinates her. But that's already solved. I'll tell you later.

    -What I was getting at, you clever cunt, Manuela continues. Marga passed and was sent a few weeks before us to Palma de Mallorca airport for her internship. I think her father, the councilor, had something to do with it. Last Thursday, her lesbian girlfriend came to her flat to share the weekend with her and surprise her. She got a double surprise. She caught her with two guys. They were fucking her on the bed, one under her, the other on top of her at the same time through the same hole, through her honorable Catalan cunt. They, half naked, were only wearing the reflective waistcoats of the baggage handlers. They say that when Àngels entered, the operators were ejaculating in unison and both inside. Like Spanish bulls and without a condom. What a scandal for the indepe and very lesbian girlfriend. I think she's a vegan too. I just made that up. And on top of that, the two guys, from Madrid. Ángels, she gave Marga a hell of a hard time in Catalan. She called her everything from a whore from the center of Spain to a cock-eater. The cockiest of the Madrilenians said to her: What's wrong with your mouth? I don't understand your dialect! She got a huge kick out of it. The other Madrilean, to finish it off, told her that she was short of cock. That Marga still hadn't complained about the change of diet... Marga didn't say my word, but she didn't stop wiggling her ass with the cocks up to the balls of both with a defiant look at her ex-girlfriend. It is known that her rabbit was more democratic than her separatist ideology. He was only startled when the cock of one of them leapt defeated out of her beaver like a whale rising from the waters, releasing the wide river of stagnant sperm from the two cocks with a resounding splash. Marga was never heard from again, but her father is apparently going to set up a haberdashery in Girona until the scandal dies down.

    -Well, what a whore Mrs. Puig i Solans is, adds Lucía amused. Manu... Don't you have any sun cream left? Her friend catches Lucía's intentions on the fly. What a good hostess she is. Always on the ball.

    -Not a drop, and we don't want to burn our boobs, do we? - she nods as she gets up from the deckchair and starts shouting, Hey, you chunky guys, do you have any sun milk... I mean sun cream left? My friend and I, we've been sitting on our hands. Do you mind lending us some, and while you're at it, you can go over our backs and buttocks... with those big hands of yours, I'm sure it won't take long...

    -Sure, no problem, reply Sandro and Alex, who are happier than a kid with new shoes. The ball is abandoned, ownerless and washed up on the sea. 100 € less.

    Lucía stands up with all her wobbling delicatessen in the air. She is slightly shorter than Manuela. Long dark hair, light eyes. Bony. The centimeters that Manu takes from her she makes up for with a bombshell size of tits. Manu on the other hand less voluminous of chest, has a perfect ass in the shape of heart, crushed in the gym. An ass to take away the hiccups. Divine legs and long brown hair tied up in a bun.

    -What a nice touch you've done... you've also brought the XXL size cream. -Do you still need to shake the cream or is it ready to use? It is very important that our skin is moisturized without delay. Manuela undoes her bun seductively, turns her head to both sides to get rid of all possible knots. Then she pulls her long hair into a ponytail. One more trick to emphasize the turgidity of her tanned torpedoes, as if that were necessary for the racial Manuela.

    The boys can't help it if their noblest parts give them away and grow considerably larger. But luck is elusive, and their girlfriends arrive on the shore, calling them more pissed off than monkeys. Women are not stupid. Lucía clears the sand from her fat tits with her hands in the direction of the lucky ones and Manu takes the opportunity to adjust the lower part of his swimming costume, which has sunk into his sex, by pinching it outwards. The heads of the boys' cocks start to do battle and stick out over the balcony of the swimming costume. Manuela brings them down to the sad reality.

    -Your wives are calling you, she says with one hand, while making a puppy-dog face and pretending to wipe away an imaginary tear with her fist. Go to them...

    -Will you be here tomorrow? -says the most daring, the Freddie Mercury, casting a furtive glance behind his back.

    Lucía gives each of them a good squeeze on the package. She takes advantage of the fact that the harpies of her friends are still far away, and she rubs each of their balls with both hands tucked into their Speedo swimming costumes.

    -Look Manu, what a pity... the cream was just the way we like it... ready to be applied, on chest, ass and face.

    Manu, licking the palms of both hands, grabs their stiff cocks, and she nods. She tells them that maybe they'll have better luck another day and waves her hand as if to shoo away a fly. She finishes tying her bra in Front of the most wretched men in the world. Seeing Manuela's breasts hidden under her bikini is like handing out a delicious doughnut and you get the Hole. Manu's ample aureoles are hidden but her nipples are still well marked, as if sandwich cheese had been melted over them. Lucía pulls on a baggy T-shirt of Max, the infamous but very funny bumbling devil, leaving his lush balls underneath to their own devices. The boys return to their girlfriends, shitting their fucking lives away. Lucía and Manu look at each other and giggle discreetly, covering themselves with their palms. The girlfriends' weasels glare at them. They know the Score. They giggle nervously and seem to apologize to the long-necked mammals.

    Mrs. Garcia and Mrs. Cardoso gather their belongings, put on their cream-colored linen trousers, and go back to the flat. Tomorrow there are practical classes at the Terminal, and they need to be rested. Too bad it won't be with a nice cock in their mouths or between their legs.

Palma de Mallorca Airport, the following day

    -I don't give a shit if you're on your period, depressed because your boyfriend prefers to shag his cousin or if your little Fifi dog has caught a cold and is half dead. OpenFly Air is above everything and everyone. You are the face of the company. No other airline will pay you better, no other airline will give you better stays in the cities you land in. Of course there are other airlines, among them Rasputin Wings, but none, I repeat none of them can match ours. We have 80 hours of training spread over four weeks. Some people are not intelligent enough to realise how lucky they are, like, for example, Mrs Margarita Puig i Solans, who left her seat for ridiculous family reasons a few days ago. Do you understand? That's All for my part, today I will give you a very special lesson...

    Andrea Recio's motivational speech, so to speak, is direct and concise. She is a very attractive woman in her late forties, executive suit, tailored with a figure that would make a twenty year old pale. A beautiful silk scarf adorns and covers her swan neck. A hawkish look behind thin, completely unnecessary glasses. Next to her, a man's wardrobe, her bodyguard or chauffeur or lover.

    -Is this when Recio will indoctrinate us on his famous cock-sucking technique? -Manu gossips quietly to Lucía, who can't help but chuckle discreetly. She has a Slutty face for sure...

    ... I'll teach you the secrets of what we call the "OpenFly Air Smile" along with a make-up course so you'll always look divine in Front of the public. Then I'll show you what you should never be without in your personal kit, such as an extra uniform, spare socks and make-up, and the famous rope, to tie up uncontrollable passengers. We'll go into the details later, I'll leave the kit on the table so you can study it, Andrea Recio finishes in her usual husky voice, which doesn't detract from her attractiveness.

    Lucía leans over the kit with interest to see that the famous rope is missing. Like an epiphany, she knows exactly where it has gone because of the slight marks on Recio's neck that she tries so hard to hide with a handkerchief. Well, well with the chauffeur.

A few days later

    Today it's our friends' turn to lend a hand at the boarding gates of the flight to Berlin. Manu announces in his silky voice that boarding will take place shortly and asks the passengers to have their ID and ticket ready. Before the boarding gates open, a paunchy, paunchy, paunchy 50-year-old approaches Manu and whispers to her that he wants to register his wish to join the "Mile High Club". The select club of those who have sex on the plane. That he has a lot of money, shows him the American Express Gold and wants to get sucked off by his friend's blonde booty blonde. The one with the tits.

    Manuela knows that this club doesn't exist as such. Mr. Paredes insists that he wants to fuck the blonde with the fat tits and to be told when everything is ready. He says that he has a full tank of cum, that it sours his temper to hold so much of it in his hairy balls.

    -Of course, Mr. Paredes, I beg your patience. You will enter the plane last to safeguard your privacy and to give us time to prepare everything. I'll show you to my friend, who couldn't be hornier at the mere thought of enjoying you. Would you prefer some kind of special dinner afterwards?
    -No need, once I've unloaded, I'll be asleep in no time at all. I'm polite like that. May I have your name, please? You're very nice
    -Margarita Puig, thank you very much for your patience, replies a smiling Manu with the best of smiles, nimbly covering her name tag.

    Needless to say, the illustrious Mr. Paredes was left on the ground when the plane took off without him and had to sleep on the floor of a terminal next to the toilets until the following morning as there were no more flights. Coincidentally, his wallet and phone had also been stolen. When he was finally able to report the humiliation he had suffered at the hands of that whore Ms Puig to OpenFly Air customer service and the police, the company denied that anyone actually working for them under that name was working for them, banned him for life and the police laughed at him. Ah, funnily enough, they hacked his card as well.

A few days later

    The rest of the days of the internship went by without a hitch except for the news that Margarita had fled to Geneva with her cousin to be free. Her girlfriend, Ángels, had taken up with her father, who left her pregnant at the drop of a hat. Now she is the one who will run the haberdashery with a noi on his way to the molt honorable conseller.

    As expected, both Lucía and Manuela also passed their practical classes with flying colours and Andrea Recio couldn't be more satisfied for being, for the second year running, the academy with the best students in Spain, and she let them know so when she presented them with their diplomas.

    -I am extremely proud of you two. I can't fault you at all. Even the incident with Mr. Paredes was exceptionally well executed. Our company doesn't need fucking pigs on its aircraft. The hacking of Paredes' account was an extra that good old Manel offered me unselfishly. Manel has other virtues apart from having a fat cock and I must admit that Lucia smashing my daughter Ximena's personal record has given me an unhealthy satisfaction. She still has a lot to learn despite how smart she thinks she is. I have allowed myself to have a little treat for you. Tomorrow evening you are invited to a dinner in one of the most exclusive calas in Mallorca. You will be picked up at the harbour by speedboat and taken to Cala Major. All expenses will be paid by me. Congratulations to both of you. Welcome to the OpenFly Air family.

    Lucía is at the helm of the speedboat as it speeds through the waters towards the Cala Major and its exclusive restaurant. Pearly drops of salty sea hit her handsome face furiously. A warm explosion has flooded her vulva a few minutes ago as an electrocuted Sandro cums on her hips and into her greedy sex. All the boy's lumpy manhood lazily trickles down Lucía's legs. In the meantime, she doesn't lose control of the wheel, while the brunette remains pinned to the grip of Lucía's voluptuous hips. The bottom of her skirt flutters like an ownerless flag to the boy's right. Lucía doesn't know the whereabouts of her pamela, but at least she knows that her soaked thong, now crowned with warm sperm is still surrendered beneath her right leg. Passionate kisses linger on her neck, as the grateful, unloaded cock tries to keep pace with the bouncing of the boat. Lucía laughs with each lunge of flesh she rhythmically receives. 

    In the back, Manu has gathered her flowing blue-blue dress with white polka dots above her waist and squeezes Alex between her tanned legs, sinking into her sex, licking, sucking her plump vaginal lips and biting mercilessly at her nubile nugget like a dog would a tasty bone. Alex rubs his moustache over and over again across Manu's hyper-sensitized lips. He knows very well, that the rubbing of his moustache is driving Manuela to paroxysm. Our Manu couldn't help but explode in the boy's mouth and flood him with all her delicious woman essence. Let him keep sucking for the time being. She bites her lips and stimulates her nipples by pinching them. Then she sucks Alex's cock, whose balls must be about to explode. You have to be grateful in this life.

    Of course, life is a small world and it turns around like a spinning top. That the same boys on the beach a few weeks earlier were the owners of a speedboat rental service was an exceptional coincidence. Shortly after getting on the boat, Lucía had already made it clear to him that she was going to take over the helm and that they should forget about fucking. That they had missed their chance, that they should go to their weaselly wives. Unsettled and self-conscious, they looked down.

    -Come on, it's a joke, come here and fuck us till the seams burst. We've got the beaver starving. You, browniw, with me... don't even think about cumming inside me, and you, the one with the porn moustache, you're already taking your time to lick my friend's pussy.

    After dinner, Alex and Sandro were waiting for them impatiently like docile dogs of a feudal lord after weeks on the battlefield. There was a change of cards and this time Lucía got her longed cum between her tits. Manu, on the other hand, got a nice cumshot from a feverish Sandro. He was more agile this time and didn't cum inside... he would do it halfway between Manu's reddened ass cheeks from his energetic slapping and on an indignant life ring. His swollen cock between Manuela's ass cheeks resembled a rocket on the launching pad. Burst after burst of warm cum. Her voluminous ejaculation looked like she was writing SOS in Morse. Three short cumshots, three times long, three times short.

Many years later

    It's been many years since Lucía and Manu passed and although they don't see eye to eye as much as they would like on the company's flights, they know that they will always be there for each other. Lucía keeps telling him in the endless hours they spend talking between flights and in the long hours at the destination hotels, that when she is going to leave her last boyfriend, she should tell her beforehand so she can fuck him. Manu can't stop smiling.

    Tonight's flight home to Madrid is pretty quiet. Helping her with dinner is Vanessa López, a girl a little younger than her. An inch shorter, with short straw-blonde boob hair, very folksy, from Cantabria. Everything she says is funny. Fat deep red lips and a tight ass that turns heads in the street. Surely she has no shortage of suitors, although she thought she saw an engagement ring on her left hand. As if that matters.

    Manu and Vane begin to serve dinner without incident until they reach the final row of the plane. Manuela remembers that it was occupied by a couple of hippies. They introduced themselves, giggling, on the plane as Palodú and she as Night Jasmine, giving each other a mugging that greatly offended a lady with the features of a stuffed cockatoo in the back.

    -Having such a big mouth, you big whore, you should shut up twice as much, Miss Julia whispers to Jasmine, as she passes her. She coughs into her fist and calls her a whore again.

    Jasmine Nocturne (actually a more mundane name, Elena Montaraz de la Oca), adorns her dreadlocked hair with garlands of flowers, a myriad of bracelets and breaks the monotony of her long whitish neck with several chains of wooden and glass beads. A wide mouth with small teeth where the central incisors are somewhat separated. She wears no bra and her generous hanging breasts resembling two well-stocked wineskins invite you to drink your fill. Given the size of the udders, this is no easy task. The flute-dog is a little more discreet. Chocolate-coloured skin from faraway beaches, narrow open shirt, unkempt afro hair, mirrored glasses? The only thing missing for both of them is a guitar with anti-nuclear power plant stickers and having arrived at the airport driving a "beast", which explodes (illegally) as soon as they park in a cloud of black smoke.

    Paludú has his eyes closed, his glasses sunk into the tangle of his hair and he looks asleep. On his lap lies a tattered, moth-eaten poncho with the exquisite scent of not having seen water near or far. The girl with the wide smile? Not a trace. He opens his eyes, startled by Manuela's presence.

    -Excuse me, is your partner, Rosa Patchouli, going to dinner? -Manu asks with the best of smiles, knowing his intentional mistake.
    -She's already having dinner, replies the hippie proudly, raising his poncho and showing how his partner is licking her lollipop, which has disappeared completely into her friend's wide frog mouth. Her flower garland lies dead at her brown feet. Rosa patchouli keeps squeezing the artist's cock as if she wanted to speed up a motorbike or measure her blood pressure with a makeshift blood pressure cuff.

    Vanessa interrupts the smiling hippie with an exemple, pulls Manu aside a little to take an inquisitive look at the scene and passes sentence.

    -Mrs. Garcia, leave the dinner tray for the girl. She's going to go hungry.

    An offended Palodú raises his finger to show his disagreement, only to fall silent under the weight of the truth and cum sadly with a noisy ejaculation that would fit, at most, in a thimble. She rolls her eyes and angrily covers his cock, whispering "lucky me again". Then she pops a piece of strawberry chewing gum into her mouth and starts reading the in-flight magazine, already used to the artist's "spectacular" cumshots. A lot of cock for nothing... in the end, it's always a banger. Paludú plays the absent-minded, turns his back on her while he shakes his hair and looks out of the window, unable to bear the justified and reproachful eyes of his partner.

    Manu can't help but laugh and thinks that Vane is one of her own. After collecting the last trays, she waits for him in the lounge near the cockpit. The aircraft commander has called Mrs. López to the cockpit as a matter of urgency just fifteen minutes ago. Soon the cockpit door opens. Vane steps out, discreetly wiping the corner of her mouth with the palm of her hand, switches off her mobile phone and puts a pair of sunglasses in her handbag. Weren't those the commander's glasses?

    -Hi Vanessa, do you have a minute? I loved the way you dispatched that filthy hippie from earlier. That was great. I think we could connect really well. Shall we grab a coffee? I'm dying to know how you got your hands on the commander's glasses and why...

Safe Creative 2208151788794

¡The soundtrack!

Alle Farben feat. Kiddo - Alright

Anna Naklab feat. Alle Farben & YouNotUs - Supergirl

Coldplay - A sky full of Stars

Do you want to know more about Manu, Lucía and the OpenFly Air company?
Well, it's easy, just click on the marked links and that's it!

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