
Night shift, a short story with Lola


All English translations are done as honestly as possible by a non-native speaker. However, if there are any mistakes, please feel free to comment.

🇪🇦 spanish version

    Lola arrives at the dressing room of the Hospital Sanitum in Madrid almost out of steam. Today she has a double shift. Once again she caught by the bull*, or what amounts to the same thing, the maintenance man in her flat. Not a day goes by that she doesn't get laid before she leaves her home. He seems to smell her schedule. This time, she planned to get rid of him by taking the lift to the garage and avoid the healthier stairs. Dolores "Lola" Peña is a single girl by choice, with a good job and a good salary. She is from Cadiz with a very graceful way of speaking and an impressive charm. Smooth peach face, innocent look and that Andalusian voice that is the downfall of many married and single men. She is a great bargain for all the patients she has to attend to in the hospital. She has provoked more than one erection by taking the blood pressure of some of them.

* Spanish expression to express that you have been caught unawares or you are late.

    And just when she thought she had escaped, there he was. Fixing I don't know what with some heating pipes next to his pink Mini Cooper FS5. But even with that, the maintenance man, known as "El Banano" (The banana Man), does it every day, once before she goes to work and once before she goes home, no matter what time. She doesn't even know how he does it, but they start talking, they laugh, and after a while he's fucking her. He usually cums on her "Lolas" like an animal but yesterday he squirted a load of cum on her face that prevented her from opening one eye for ten minutes. Today, already in the car, listening to the Cantores de Híspalis, her asshole burns as if she'd been dining three days in a row in a Mexican restaurant.

    She has to do something, but she's really turned on by the blonde. She bites her lips and giggles happily. What a cock he has.

    Her friend Candela Sánchez, an exuberant mulatta who just arrived a few months ago from the Dominican Republic, is waiting for her in the changing room with a coffee in her hand.

-Come on, girl, you're already late. I have to tell you the latest about Dr. Olmo and Tamayo.
-Oh yeah? Tell me -replies Lola as she finishes changing her lilac knickers. They're useless after the sexual collision. She doesn't earn enough money for panties. El Banano shreds a pair a day. If Maintenance's fat cock keeps up this rate, eventually, you'll see, she'll have to demand that he pays half the cost of "maintaining hes underwear". Lola laughs to herself at her witticism. At least this time she was able to wipe off some of the slime before getting into the car. She blows a kiss to the holy card of the Virgin of the Immaculate attached to the door of her locker and starts to get dressed in her blue dressing gown and Crocs.
-Well, that's what we all suspected a long time ago. Nika, the cleaning lady found a list when she was cleaning Tamayo's office. The fucking pigs have a list with the nicknames of all the girls they've fucked this year. A bet. Shame on me, I'm on both.
-With what nickname? -laughs Lola amused.
-Brownie Pubic Hair -she replies offended. -You're in neither, so on the one hand, I'm glad, on the other hand, it pisses me off. How have you managed to escape alive so far?
-Because I'm less of a slut than you, they don't convince me and brush me off with four affectionate phrases -Lola replies, finishing buttoning her dressing gown, knowing that, with less bla bla her friend at home, split her in two every day.
-Come on, Lola, we know each other, go buy yourself a few porras and a coffee in the cafeteria, or have you had enough of porras for today, you little whore? -She says, winking at her -What you have to hear at this time of the morning. Come on, the board of directors is coming today to discuss the enlargement of the hospital and we have to get everything up to date.

    Languid beeps accompany the patient David Leal in his bed. The monotonous beeping is broken by the alarm of a car desperate for attention. The patient is sedated and in a cast from head to toe. Sitting, to call it civilised, on an adjoining sofa is his girlfriend Mamen, who puts down the Candy Crush mobile phone game, picks up her legs and gets up immediately as the doctor enters.

    Dr. Olmo is a good-looking man with silvery temples, dark skin, a stocky build after years of mercilessly sculpting himself in the gym, a stubble of several days' beard and an almost animal-like attractiveness. The perfect son-in-law for any mother. He fiddles with a set of keys inside his spotless dressing gown as he enters the room. As he shakes Mamen's hand, she instantly notices that he has no wedding ring on his slender, long, piano-playing fingers.

    Mamen, on the other hand, is younger than the doctor, having just turned 25 last week. She wears torn light blue shorts with some blood splatters (from her unfortunate boyfriend), a tight T-shirt illustrated with a Pikachu in yellow and long brown hair pulled back in two hasty pigtails that reach her waist. She is barefoot, her feet are manicured, and her nails are painted in different colours.

-Well, we were finally able to patch up your boyfriend, Miss Lozano. He was very lucky. He'll be in a cast for a while and after a few, well a lot of rehabilitation sessions, he'll be as good as new. He will come out quite well considering the seriousness of the accident -explains a smiling Doctor Olmo, while Mamen can't help hugging him and realising that the stethoscope is not the only hard thing the doctor has.
-Thank you very much, doctor, I was so scared. I couldn't get rid of the idea that it was all my fault. My boyfriend has a temper and telling him no... -confesses Mamen hugging Manuel.
-Is it your fault? Don't talk nonsense, can I call you Mamen? Accidents happen unfortunately at the wheel more often than we think. A moment's carelessness... and wham, we're in trouble. But I'm curious, why do you say it's your fault?
-David gets off on it a lot, you know? -answers Mamen embarrassed- to get sucked while he burns the tyre. This time he wanted to reach 180 km with his dad's new car, while he was filming himself with his Iphone. She was going to make a tiktok. I told him not to get too excited, that's a lot of speed. In the end he convinced me. The only thing I asked him was not to show my face in the video or at least to put some of those filters so that I wouldn't be recognised. He replied that he swore that the video was only for him, a token of unconditional love. To keep me always present. That he would put a cat's face as a filter while he continuously called me Mamen. Well, I believed him.

    Mamen nervously ruffles her brown hair with a few neon-green tresses. Dr. Olmo listens attentively with both hands in the pockets of his dressing gown.

    But as soon as the car picked up speed, with his cock in my mouth, he wouldn't take his foot off the pedal or stop fondling my tits under my T-shirt. He laughed a lot and made speeding noises with his mouth. Brum brum. I told him to stop, that he was going to get sucked by his whore cousin Lydia (and it wouldn't be the first time, what does he think I'm stupid and I don't know?) and there he started bouncing like crazy -Mamen makes the unmistakable circular sign with her index finger on her temple and whispers with her little pinion mouth "craaaazzyyy". -He got careless and wham! into a tree. It's a good thing I was tied up, David was not. Well, that's the story.

-I see, Mamen, has anyone done a quick check on you? I don't know. It's essential to check that you don't have any internal injuries. Step into my office for a second, please. It won't take long. I'm going to do a quick one to make sure everything is in order -says the doctor very seriously without looking away from the rich tits of the compunctioning girlfriend to the red cheeks of Pikachu's laughing cheeks.
-Yes, yes. Of course. -replies an instantly embarrassed Mamen. She takes a selfie with her V-fingers showing off her pierced navel, sends an emoji and turns off her phone.

    Twenty minutes later, Mamen is kneeling in front of a chair with legs buckling under the weight of an infinity of furtive powders, near a table that's almost clear except for a luminous pencil, some loose notes, and a few metres from the convalescent's room. She's giving the erudite Doctor's fat, and more than big, cock a two-handed handjob. A cock harder and thicker than the trunk of a small tree. While the right hand curls to the left, the left-hand curls to the right, in the opposite direction. Crowning Mamen's right fist is the doctor's pearly, swollen glans. Thick drops slide down the libidinous young girl's hands. It's not the first cock she's jerked off on her knees, nor will it be the last. But this one's first-rate. With fat veins running down his shaft. She's got it a lot bigger than the Speed Racer of her boyfriend's.

    Leaning back, gown open, shorts pulled down and stethoscope to one side, the doctor is enjoying a good old-fashioned wank. The doctor, with his trousers abandoned in a corner of the room, lovingly strokes her hair with one hand, and with the other, he holds a file and pretends to review the answers he has taken to the different questions he asked Mamen a while ago.

-Do I have everything in place, doctor? -asks Mamen, as she squeezes the illustrious doctor's mast again and nestles the doctor's cock between her tits so that it doesn't get cold.
-Perfectly, don't stop now, fucking hell -she replies, half-heartedly. There's nothing to be afraid of, it's all in order. You've taken good care of my cock and, on the other hand, most of your values are within normal parameters and some, a few, are a little off.

    Dr. Olmo knows that Mamen's values won't be the last thing to shoot up soon. The little girl gives great handjobs, where do they learn these things? On YouTube?

-I'm about to prescribe some medication to relieve your blood pressure and lower your anxiety levels, fuck yes, I'm almost there, bitch girl. Don't stop, bitch -he gasps, curving his back as she digs her hands into the table. Dr. Olmo is very polite but once his cock takes over, his mouth runs wild, and he loses all self-righteousness.

    The milky discharge catches Mamen unawares, which her cheek and whips up a ponytail. Surprised Mamen tries to push the ejaculating cock aside. The second, more voluminous discharge rises into the air with no definite destination and falls, lacking any more steam and like a defective Russian rocket, embarrassed onto the good doctor's navel. Mamen, now alerted, shoves the throbbing cock up to the hilt in her mouth to make sure that at least the next ejaculations end up at the back of her throat and don't leave everything lost. After swallowing the doctor's manhood without complaint, she finishes wiping the last gasps of his cock with the T-shirt of the disgruntled Pikachu. She's enjoyed milking him. She likes having control and a man's cock in her mouth, it makes her feel very feminine and powerful. A man who gets his cock sucked is the most docile of animals. She likes it more than levelling up in Candy Crush. Her white panties would be dripping and extremely sticky if it weren't for the fact that they hang from a small lamp.

    Candela can't stop herself from elbowing Lola when she sees Mamen come out of the Doctor's office and gently close the door behind her.

-Another one he's fucked... He doesn't leave one alive... the point is to win the damn bet. At this rate, one of them is going to denounce him and all this comes to light. He doesn't care if they're married, single, black, white...
-You're so right, girl. We must put a stop to it before they change the name of the hospital from "Sanitum" to "Cocktum". In the end, they'll close the "shop" and we'll all be out of work. We must do something... and I have a great idea... come here and I'll tell you about it -says Lola to Candela, inserting a coin in the coffee machine. The noisy bustle of the machine preparing the black gold hides their conversation.

    Dr. Olmo comes out of his office and is still finishing adjusting his cock when he sees the floor nurses, Lola, and Candela, whispering to each other near the coffee machine. In good taste he would fuck the mulatta Miss Sanchez again. This time he'll promise her something else, he doesn't know what yet, maybe revise her schedule, so she doesn't have so many night shifts, or promote her, or the residency papers... He remembers how he sucked her small, hard, black, pineapple-flavoured tits with an almost sickening devotion. How she kept repeating "Ay, daddy, mi gorgeous daddy" as he thrust his entire dick, thrust after thrust, up to the hilt into her graceful apricot-embodied, thick-lipped, intimate lips. The spare toilets fell to the floor with each thrust to roll into the darkest corners.

-What a good cumshot I put between her mulatta thighs, I almost changed her colour like a chameleon -rejoices Manuel aka Dr. Horny. His cock wakes up and he nods in satisfaction, remembering another glorious entry in his notebook.

    He opens his folder, then a crumpled notebook. He jots down a new name and nickname on his list. Mamen, the Pikachu. This month he is doing slightly better than last month, although he is still far behind Dr. Tamayo. The Argentinian paediatrician, aka Hot Doc, his opponent has already passed 26 names, and he is way behind... he has "only" been able to write down 24 names so far this calendar year. Both he and his colleague had a sixth sense for knowing when they could fuck a doctor, nurse, or patient. They never put their dick in the wrong place. A little inner voice alerted them to the target. They joked that the little voice was that of the chattering cock.

    A young patient with the mother who stopped by his office last Friday for thigh spots unexpectedly added to his famished list. The little voice assured the play. He ended up fucking them both. He told the young woman the day before to come with her mother, that there were decisions to be made that only a mother could make, even though the young woman was already 26 years old. Then he pulled down both of their panties with the help of his cock. An experimental treatment with very good results. The stains were going to disappear in no time. And they did. Hidden under creamy white milk. But the treatment first had to be applied by a family member with more damaged skin. Preferably a mother. To keep their face masks on, since, in these troubled times, you have to protect yourself, he told them as he stabbed the mother with a lunge that left her rolling her eyes and screeching like a cat. The daughter wasted no time and began to suck his balls with her mask pulled down to her chin. Within the hour, they both went home with the full treatment. Bingo! Two more names in his notebook.

    For that, both doctors are very legal and do not cheat each other.

    There are two minimum requirements to deserve a place in the hall of fame of their lists. A handjob is the minimum for one of them. The second is that they cannot take off their white coats under any circumstances. It is true that Tamayo, being a paediatrician and with his bla bla, has an added advantage that Olmo, when he made the bet, did not count on. Mothers with small children are the easiest to fuck. Women who don't feel unwanted and unloved by absent husbands. With four polite phrases you get them to suck you up the ass. While riding them, the paediatrician likes it from behind, gives them nice words and they cum like teenagers. Sometimes, the relative, husband or boyfriend is sitting in the next room without suspecting anything. Sometimes, he sends the relative to go and get the car so that he can "attack the gazelle with guarantees". As it happens, while they are pulling the car out of the narrow parking lot with a multitude of manoeuvres, he is parking his cock in her pussy the first time. Then they drive away so happy with their protein shake, a freshly applied face cream or with their pussy still throbbing red-hot. And they wait impatiently in the car... how ironic.

    Olmo doesn't like to lose... or lose his composure. There's too much at stake. A weekend in Amsterdam with all the whores and drugs he wants... He looks at his notebook again... Something must be done right now.

-Good night, doctor -they both say in unison, as they walk away arm in arm.
-Good night, Lola. Good night, Candela -replies Manuel in the corridor. He can't stop thinking about how good Miss fucking Peña smells like a wild orange. He hasn't managed to fuck her yet. With that ass, she's got a hell of an arse.

A bit later

    Olmo has returned from lunch with Tamayo from the steakhouse near the hospital. He still has to prepare some paperwork for the new board of directors, which is made up of Doña Julia Asunción, Don Benito Rubio and his front man Leonardo Coronillas. He goes back to the office to check the pending tasks and his mobile phone rings. It's a Whatsapp from Lola. Not believing his eyes, he hurries to read the message

    "Dr. Olmo, the whole plant knows about your bet with Tamayo. I have a deal you can't refuse. Fuck the old cockatoo. We all hate her without any limits, and I hate her more, for different reasons you don't need to know. If you comply, I'll let you fuck me too, together with my friend Candela. Wherever you want, as many times as you deem fair. There are no limits. You can put it inside my greedy ass, my frustrated pussy or inside my vicious mouth... What YOU decide. 😋. Two horny, cock-hungry chicks for the price of an old sock. We know you're a man. This could also help you climb up that famous list of yours. What do you say, are you macho enough or are you a fucking shit like Dr. Tamayo's chicken shit?" If you say anything to him, it's a deal breaker, the only thing you'll be putting inside, are the coins in the coffee machine. Reply 👍 if he agrees with you. PS: My ass hasn't enjoyed a fat cock in weeks....

    Antonio Olmo nods silently and so does his dick. He replies with the requested emoji and hesitates to send you a picture of his stiff cock. He's going to shove it up his fucking ass without warning, no doubt, he guffaws as he gives his hard cock four squeezes. I am irresistible, he thinks.

Around eleven o'clock, Office of Doña Julia

    Olmo has arranged with Doña Julia to review some outstanding invoices in his office. Let's see how he gets out of it. The invoices correspond to a social club where he spent last January fucking two Romanian girls and he tried to put them as representation allowances. it matters little to him now. He'll fuck the cockatoo and I'm sure she'll turn a blind eye to it afterwards. The office is dark and silent except for a few pronounced gasps. Julia is lying on a table with her ass in the air. Waiting for his onslaught. He sharpens his hearing and thinks he recognises the unmistakable sound of a mouth sucking a cock. His eyes get used to the darkness and he identifies that it is a semi-conscious Walter Tamayo who is being sucked greedily.

-Che Boludo, how the old woman sucks it, whispers the doctor, firmly gripping the female head with both hands.

    Holy shit, he thought he'd get the score, and the name, all by himself. In the end his friend thought better of it. It doesn't matter. He's already got another plan for later. He opens his dressing gown, pulls down his Hugo Boss night-coloured tight trousers and boxer shorts. He spits on his hand and then coats his erect cock with saliva and shoves a cock into it that shakes the table and the folders on a nearby bookshelf. Another onslaught. Tamayo opens her eyes. He recognises him and winks at him (or so Olmo thinks) in the dark while he's already unloading on her sagging chest. Festooning a thick string of white pearls with sperm. Olmo squeezes her tits as well. Another cock stroke and a spectacular anal cumshot follow. He's a real macho man. Nobody can't resist him. Old hen, good broth.

    As he withdraws his flaccid cock, Doña Julia sits up and lights up a long cigarette.

-You're both fired. Everything I've been told is true then. You abuse your position of power, to fuck all the staff, my staff! And you're fucking the shit out of me. I haven't been fucked this badly since high school and I haven't cum once. You're less funny than a radio chess game. Pack up your things and get out, says Doña Julia as she finishes her cigarette. You lazy little dwarves, you didn't even last me five minutes. Shitty guys. Good thing I'm taking the pill, says the sexagenarian cockatoo as she kisses the photo of her husband, Rogelio de la Osa, an excellent doctor but a horrendous lover.

    Olmo and Tamayo come out of the laboratory, half-dressed, their clothes dripping, into the corridor. Doña Julia throws their clothes behind them. There they are greeted by almost the entire night shift hospital staff, with Lola and Candela in the lead, clapping and laughing. Tamayo, embarrassed, still has the cheek to ask Olmo as they flee down a corridor, picking up the clothes that are thrown behind them, as if they were Sonic's rings, who has won the bet now. A terse "fuck off" is Olmo's reply.

    Lola and Candela have never laughed so much in their lives. What a great show.

-Come on girl, this is something to celebrate! -exclaims an exultant Candela, kissing Lola on the cheek.
-You celebrate, my love. I'm going home. I'm tired, replies Lola, yawning.

    Arriving at the parking lot of her house, Lola leaves the lights on for a while and after five interminable minutes she honks the horn to make sure El Banano knows she's back. Where the fuck is he?

    Shortly after, he appears, pretending to be absent-minded. What a bastard he is. Just as well, she was afraid she was going to miss out on my bowl of warm milk to put her to sleep in one go, Lola gloats. Tonight he's going to have to make up for making her wait. She doesn't understand the delay, El Banano knows her schedule perfectly well as she diligently leaves her monthly schedule at the beginning of each month in his maintenance mailbox.

    Lola unlocks the car, sets the handbrake and pulls down her white knickers. El Banano smiles in the distance. Tonight Banano had better give her not a bowl of milk but the whole Central Asturiana Lechera.

If you liked Lola's story, leave us a comment!

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  1. Nurses are sexy as hell. I love that doctors Olmo and Tamayo get their comeuppance. And who better to give it to them than the cockatoo?


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