
Without hot water, a short story with Vania


All English translations are done as honestly as possible by a non-native speaker. However, if there are any mistakes, please feel free to comment.

🇪🇦 spanish version

Vania couldn't believe her bad luck. Just when she wanted to finish her hectic afternoon at the Graphic Arts office, take a relaxing bath at home and talk to her cousin Claudia. She turns on the tap, turns on the music and when she touches the water... freezing cold. Again. It happened to him a few weeks ago. "So much incompetence," Vania snorts with resignation. She decides to call the 24-hour emergency service of Canal Gorozabel III.

-I want the same guy as last time, he's incompetent! I don't care if it's Monday or the day of her grandmother's death, I want the same guy! demands a grumpy Vania on the phone, making an effort to make her usual deep voice sound threatening.

Customer service apologises a hundred times and confirms that Mr. Lock will be at her house in the Barrio de Salamanca in less than an hour.

Hanging up the phone, you can't help but snort: "He's going to hear me. I´ll tell him some truths" as he finishes putting on the fluffy white dressing gown with his name engraved on it. He must not dry the dressing gown in the tumble dryer again. The dressing gown has shrunk another size. She can barely close it, although she is not particularly stout. She is short, barely 5'6", with long, flowing reddish hair that reaches down her back. She crowns the object of desire, a pear-shaped ass, which would have convinced Adam to have bitten Vania's ass first instead of the perfidious apple offered to him by uptight Eve in paradise. She was dressed under her dressing gown, scantily clad in white lace panties and stockings.

It was her petite forms, the Andalusian sweetness of her voice that stirred the explosive cocktail that she and her cousin Claudia still are when they go out in Madrid. Both, unattainable objects of desire, attracted men like modern Circes to laugh at them afterwards. Attracted by the light to be blinded by its charm and leave them stiffer than Caponata´s eyes. But it was Claudia who dismissed them with the most disdain. She had the fucking art. They paid for the drinks and then for the broken dishes of her indifference. How brave -smiles Vania at the memory.

Barely 35 minutes later, the doorbell rings. It's Mr. Lock. Vania opens the door dressed only in her dressing gown and a glass of wine. She is very excited, almost bordering on excited. She clearly indicates to him that she is very unhappy with his company and with him in particular.

-Doesn't it bother you to be so incompetent? -she asks bluntly. That's what you get for being a bungler. We do the job half-heartedly and in the end we have to come twice. That's what I said, for being incompetent. If you were in charge of me, I would fired you immediately.
-Sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am. Let me take a look first and see what I can do, okay? -Mr. Lock apologises again, placing his toolbox on the floor and folding his hands in front of him in prayer.
-Wash those hands first, Mr. Incompetent, they're full of grease. You will not touch anything in this house like that. My husband is very neat and doesn't like pigs.
-Is this your husband? -He's very handsome -says the plumber, showing a photo of the two of them laughing, having successfully climbed the Asturian Naranjo de Bulnes, and then wiping his hands on his blue overalls.
-Yes, and he fucks like a stallion -says Vanya, to provoke him. But you didn't come here to talk about my husband. Go about your business, Mr. Botch. By the time I get there, everything better be working and you better be out of my house.
-Excuse me, I didn't mean to disturb you. I'll take care of the hot water right away. Can you tell me where the boiler is, please?
-Don't you remember? Of course, you're like a hummingbird -replies Vania, punching him on the shoulder -doesn't it bother you to be such a jerk? I'm really sick of you!

Following Vania's instructions, Mr. Lock gets to work while she goes to have another glass of wine. When she returns, she notices that Daniel has shed the top of his overalls, is bare-chested, and is trying to access a floor-level stopcock hidden behind the boiler. He shrugs his shoulders and closes his legs in an attempt to reach the key, which causes his fly to rise again and again, revealing a bulky package. Apparently, Mr. Lock doesn't have all the tools in the box and keeps the fattest one under his dirty blue dungarees -smiles Vania, draining her glass in one quick sip as she stares.

-No sloppy work this time, Mr. Cock -says our client, then regrets her vocal slip. Do they know at home that you're bloody incompetent?

It seemed to Vania, though she wasn't entirely sure, that the plumber, with the mention of his lack of skill, had grown his dick a size bigger.

-I beg your pardon? The plumber replies in surprise, revealing his handsome face with its silver streaked hair and four-day-old beard under the boiler.
-To the task, you get lost very quickly - Vania cuts him off -Or is it that he doesn't have the right tools? Maybe he's not only incompetent, but also forgetful? I'm sure the bullies took your snacks at shool. You are pathetic. No wonder you're an average plumber -as she punches him again, this time in the leg.

Daniel cocks his head, goes back to his work, and as he returns under the boiler, the lower part of the overalls is anchored to a screwdriver in the toolbox and partially undresses Mr. Cock, revealing a generous erect dick that wobbles like the mast of a sailboat in a storm, finally falling to gravity and surpassing the meridian of his navel. Marked abs embrace his expectant, erect phallus.

-How dare you take out your... big cock... in front of me? -And you're not even wearing pants? Can't you afford them?
-It was an unfortunate accident -confesses Mr. Mast, as he collects his cock in his dungarees with little success, for when he returns to his duties, his cock springs back like a spring from a broken juke box with the clownish Mr. Ronald McDick in all his glory.

Fed up with such incompetence, Vania sinks to her knees, takes another sip of her drink and, with her free hand, firmly grasps the veiny cock, gives it a short blowjob, then slips it into the bib overalls herself, but not before giving it two good, aggressive up-and-down strokes with her fist, leaving the palm of her hand covered in slimy manhood. "Let him suffer and work his dick stiff now," thinks Vania.

Daniel only replies with a snort of pleasure and gets on with the task.

-Well, that's that -exclaims a laughing plumber. In the end it's always the pressure that plays tricks on us, you see? -as he turns on the red-ringed tap in the bathtub.
-Are you sure it's fixed now, sir, or is it another one of your botched jobs, so that when I'm in the bathtub I freeze to death? -Vania replies, index finger raised.
-All right, I'm sure it is -says Daniel with conviction.
-I'm not taking another gamble, Mr. Botch. You sit here on the stool while I get into the bathtub and then, when I'm happy, you and your tool, I mean toolbox, can leave.

Slowly, Vania, takes off her dressing gown, undresses her panties, and finally her stockings. She throws the panties into the toolbox and leaves them hanging from a pair of pliers. She also leaves the glass of wine on the side and turns the tap on full blast. Daniel sees her perfect upturned ass positioned just inches from his face as she leans over to pour the bath salts into the tub. He then turns around and almost squashes her orange-coloured sex into his gaping face.

-You're not going anywhere yet. I want to make sure the water keeps running hot -Vania orders her -pick up your tools in the meantime if you want to. I know your kind. They're all bunglers, they leave everything half-finished.
-You mean this tool? -exclaims a boldy Daniel as he dislodges his huge cock from the Pussy Breaker's pension. This one? Yes?
-You call that little toy cock, a tool? Wait for me to laugh... I can't. Come on, don't be ridiculous, that cock... -she is interrupted by Daniel's unannounced insertion of his cock into her mouth.
-I'm talking about this one. And now I'm going to charge for the repair and the travel all at once, you slut.

Vania barely manages to get the cock out of her mouth before exclaiming.

-If you're so brave and macho, take off your clothes, you piece of shit, you'll get my house all greasy.

Daniel pays no attention to anyone, and gets into the bathtub dressed, displacing a huge amount of water (hot for more information) on both sides of the bathtub. Once inside the large foam cubicle, he takes what he has been longing for for five years. He turns Vania around, turning her to face the large bathroom window. Before penetrating her doggie-style, he has the luxury of knocking over the wine glass. Let her shitty husband pick it up -he smiles to himself. She moans as she feels the first thrust, and grabs one of Daniel's hands and puts them on her hard tits.

-Squeeze them, good, you piece of shit. Incompetent little shit, -the redhead moans -The customer is king, he's always right, and... Fuck me up to the seams. Don't leave anything for anyone. Fuck me the fuck up.

Daniel gives her another cock with the tool, while he bites her delicate, foamy shoulders and then licks and kisses them. She throws her head back, seeking his lips. They kiss passionately, as their tongues waltz sensually into each other's mouths. Withdrawing his tongue, he bites her lower lip.

She spreads her legs and reveals a shaved pussy between mountains of white foam, crowned by a neat pale tan bush. She closes her eyes and tells him that she can now begin the climb with her tongue until she peaks with her long-awaited orgasm.

-And no more breaks at the base camps... I'm going to eat you alive, cock at the block -orders Vania, surprised at how well she knows how to rhyme.
-I'm going to eat you alive, Pippi Longstocking and then you're going to go and pound the shit out of your handsome face-husband -says Daniel before he starts flicking his uncontrolled tongue over the wet walls of her vulva and tugging on the nugget of her clit like a dog with the most delicious bone. She moans, and with both hands, pushes him into her sex.

After five minutes of climbing, she cums in his mouth, while her legs crossed behind the plumber's shoulders, trapping him without remission. Fuck, with the plumber -she moans.

-Now, you're going to blow my cock until I cum in your little mouth that likes so much to call me incompetent shit -demands Daniel, as he jerks his cock to make it even fatter and harder -I have the claim papers right here -he finishes as he shows off his waxed and equally fat balls clutched in one hand. But first get the megaphone I saw you on the shelf in the dining room at the anti-system rally you attended with your little cousin Claudia.

Vania, you go quickly and without complaint to comply with Daniel's demands. When she returns, he has sat down on the edge of the bathtub and orders her with an open hand, which is already taking its time to suck his cock.

-Don't forget the balls -Daniel reminds him -Lick up and down, and linger on my cerulean glans. Let me see those tits, rub my cock on your nipples. And forget about me telling you when I cum. It's not gonna happen. I cum and that's it. I'll leave the warning to your asshole husband.

Vania starts the ritual without complaint. Biting and licking the fat balls, she moves on to licking the phallus slowly, feeling every throbbing vein of that marvellous cock her new friend has. When she reaches the glans, she applies his lips and sucks again and again. Daniel grunts with pleasure. He loves her mouth.

After a while, she senses that Mr. Plumber is about to climax and increases the speed of the blowjob while alternating a nibble or two on his testicles.

-I'm going to cum -says Daniel, as he gets up from the edge, grabs the megaphone and opens the window -Don't stop fucking sucking.

And while Daniel cums in Vania's mouth like an unleashed bull, he shouts, megaphone in hand:

-I'm Daniel Lock, from the sixth B, and I'm making the summit, fuck all of you and your fucking mother on horseback!
-Daniel, for fuck's sake, we have a reputation, honey. Now the whole neighbourhood knows -laughs Vania as she finishes wiping her lips after her husband's voluminous cum. He's got a face full of cum all over it.

Vania and Daniel have been married for three years and love role-playing.

-How was your day, honey? -Vania asks later, as they snuggle on the sofa.
-Fine, if it wasn't for some stupid woman who said something about a boiler. In the end, I'm going to have to fuck her... -Daniel confesses - By the way, next time it's your turn to role-play. I'm thinking you could be a real estate agent selling flats. With her little card, her little glasses and a little bit silly.

They both laugh their heads off and order some dinner.


Vania and Daniel are unaware that the door to the house has been left open and that Doña Julia has entered through it to gossip. With eyes like saucers she has been watching them from the beginning. In the cockatoo's head, only one fixed idea. They should call without fail to check the pressure in the boiler, I'm sure the water hasn't been hot for days... better call as soon as possible. And get the incompetent one to come.

This story was inspired by an original idea by Klaus Fernandez.

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