
The ghostly hitchhiker (Halloween Special 2022)


All English translations are done as honestly as possible by a non-native speaker. However, if there are any mistakes, please feel free to comment.

🇪🇦 spanish version

-Did I tell you or didn't I tell you? Wasn't it the best fuck you've ever had? And besides, she can't refuse to do whatever we ask her to do, as many times as we want. That's her curse. Tonight she's obliged to satisfy all our desires. Fuck, man, aren't we in fucking heaven? Lavinia will never get old, always like a sexy beast with that slutty face, always ready to blow our dicks. Holy shit, just remembering her makes my dick like the padlock of a prison. It doesn't matter how married we are. The fact that it's only once a year, on Halloween, is the least of it.

You're so lucky you're a buddy of mine. I've been fucking her for almost 5 years now. Boom! I don't miss my appointment every year. Here I am, stiff as a board. I pick her up in the car and let's fuck. I make her pussy redder than the back of a bricklayer's neck. Fuck my girlfriend. She won't let me do half the things I do to that slut Lavinia. What do you mean, she's dead? Of course not, I'm not a sick fuck. She's trapped between two worlds waiting for I don't know what cocks and, in the meantime, we can fuck her every year, that's what she told me - Sebas promises Pepe while he lights up a cigarette and blows the smoke out the back window of the car into the freezing November night. And you've fucked worse things, asshole!

His fat veiny cock, beaten, still throbbing from the recent ejaculation. A small puddle of cum has settled in his navel. His waxed balls are deflated tangerines compared to his member.

Outside the car, the darkness is total and only the headlights pierce the gloom of the forest. The catlike purr of the running engine and the crooning of Pepe returning from urinating against a tree break the silence. He zippers up and climbs back into the back of the car in search of some warmth. He doesn't like the forest. In fact, he hates it and avoids it as often as he can, but he couldn't take it anymore and had to pee like a horse.

A few meters away, Lavinia, dressed in a torn nightgown that exposes her small breasts, watches the situation with dismay. Her long cascading brown hair counterbalances the pallor of her beautifully stony face. Her defiant blue eyes can barely contain the fury of her outraged self. Lumpy drops of warm sperm from Pepe's previous cum lazily leave her sex. Pepe has cum eagerly in her ass again. Her torn fishnet stockings can't hide the bruises from Pepe's and previously Sebas's merciless sexual onslaught. They have been taking turns. While one fucked her on top of the hood, the other waited smoking and cheering. Animals unleashed. They believe that she will only be freed from the sexual desires of the fauns at dawn. "Let them keep thinking about it."

Lavinia, the rest of the year, is known as the ghostly hitchhiker.

It is well known that every place has a bad road, a dangerous curve where accidents are commonplace. Legend has it that a girl in white, sometimes dressed as a bride and on her way to her own wedding, lost her life on one of these stretches, suddenly appears and waits for a car to pick her up. If someone stops, the girl climbs wordlessly into the back seat of the car. She only breaks her silence to warn the driver of the danger of a certain stretch of road where she died and then vanishes. The ghostly hitchhiker is not a malevolent being, she is actually a guide who wants to prevent other drivers from suffering her fatal fate.

-I really want her to blow my cock again, says Pepe, and this time I want her to swallow it all, not to cum in her ass. That already bores me.

He squeezes with virulence his member that stands proudly again on the back seat of the car, spits a generous foamy spurt on his reddened cock and claps palms with Sebas, sitting a few centimeters next to him and gets out of the car.

-Of course he does. Whatever you want,"laughs an amused Sebas, as he sits up and laughingly calls Lavinia by her last name this time, Miss Expósito, here's a cock that won't suck itself! The night is young and you have homework left!

Pepe pales, stops in his tracks and turns shakily to the open car window:

-Did you say Expósito? -he asks, fearful of the affirmative answer he will undoubtedly receive.

-Yes, Lavinia Expósito, that's the name of the asshole in white. Why?

-We fucked up, man, whimpers an increasingly ashen Pepe as his skin begins to crack and peel in layers like old paint.

Sebas, terrified, wants to scream, but his blackened tongue has slipped out of his mouth and he lies at his feet next to the mat splattered with drops of semen like a limp leech. Sebas tries to sit up as his bones, brittle as dry splinters, crack and his muscles begin to fray.

Lavinia watches with satisfaction the agony of his captors. After years of waiting, the night of her revenge has arrived.

Six years earlier

Pepe shouldn't have taken the car that night, but what the hell... it was the town's festivities, and he wasn't going to take a cab that was going to give him a hard time to cross the three kilometers of forest. In a show of courage (alcohol makes us better drivers and makes us speak all possible languages without an accent), he grabbed the keys to his uncle's pickup truck and drove through the forest at full speed. The faster he drove, the less chance he had of causing an accident, it was the wonderful synapse that his dull mind had proposed to him.

The side impact against Miss Expósito's Renault was not spectacular but it was strong enough to dislodge the tiny Clio from the road and throw it down the hillside making several somersaults to come to a violent halt against a row of trees. Pepe of course didn't stop, what for? Surely the driver would be fine. Now airbags are a marvel and he was already late. And besides, no one had seen him. He arrived at his friends' house, parked the car, and continued the party until the wee hours of the morning when he ended up vomiting on the lap of his whore cousin Rosita, who surely would have sucked his dick if he hadn't been so drunk. That's what family is for.

Only days later, by chance, he learned of the death in a traffic accident of L. Expósito, a young neighbor of the neighboring town. He did not give it any more importance. Surely it must have been a different traffic accident. "That curve is really fucked up. People go like crazy. Surely that girl didn't even know how to drive, she doesn't know how guys drive, or she was on something, he thought and went on partying again.

The ghostly hitchhiker looks curiously at her feet at the blackened mortal remains of Sebas and Pepe. After so many years, her revenge has finally been consummated. Making Sebas believe, when he picked her up on the side of the road, that he could do whatever he wanted to her on Halloween, was the first part of her revenge. After licking his member in the front seat of the car and letting him cum in her mouth, she told him that she had become infatuated with him. That she was not capable of refusing any of his cravings. But to please tell no one, that she was bound by an unseen force to satisfy whatever desires those who picked her up on Halloween night had. Whatever he wished, as often as he wished. She knew Sebas would not keep his word. She just had to be patient and let time guide her plan. And time is the least of the problems for a ghost. He had to wait, wait for Sebas to go out of his mind and invite his friend Pepe to the forest to enjoy his "conquest". Sebas was the bait. She wanted Pepe, Sebas was an unpleasant means to her end. Once Sebas lured her friend, other rules would come into effect, hers. It took her six years to complete her revenge.

Soon she too would be released. Work on the highway a few miles away is well underway and the current road through the forest will be obsolete and forgotten. She will be free. It is not long now. Patience. Time will be no problem. Time means nothing to her.

Between the highest peaks of the pines, dawn announces its arrival. Lavinia spits on the smoking remains of the boys and leaves.

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Don't miss the rest of the unpublished Halloween stories we have prepared for you under the following link!

Follow Valentin@ on Instagram


  1. I am so surprised at how little value is given to Valentin@ for framing his stories in the different thematic months of the blog Décimo Círculo del Infierno. Here's a big praise for the story and for the effort made.


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