
Academy of hot flight attendants, a story with Lucía


All English translations are done as honestly as possible by a non-native speaker. However, if there are any mistakes, please feel free to comment.

🇪🇦 spanish version

It's a warm evening in Barcelona. Lucía Cardoso and her best new friend Manuela García couldn't be happier with their decision to take the cabin crew course a few months ago. They are still thoroughly enjoying their stay in Barcelona and seeing how their dreams of becoming a flight attendant are gradually coming true.

The OpenAir Fly flight crew academy is very exclusive and is not open to the public. There are very few places and entry is by strict recommendation only. Just two phone calls were enough for Lucía's mother, Ana Vergara, for them to enrol in the course.

-The advantages of being influential and that some investor or other owes the theatre a favour, Ana reinforces syllable by syllable, on the phone to her daughter. Have fun in Barcelona, but I don't want any tummies when you get back. Pass and here we'll all be so happy. Although it will be difficult for you to get pregnant, my daughter, if only the boys cum on your tits. Be stupid and I myself will go to Barcelona to drag you by the hair, from the Ramplas to the airport. You are my daughter and you, Manu, my sweet, as if you were. Don't leave me in a bad place. You can drink, dance, fuck... but you'll pass the course. I have a reputation and I don't send bums to the academy.

Lucía and Manu nod, and hang up the phone shortly after. They are certainly taking Lucia's mother's "demanding" instructions to heart. The luxurious flat that Ana has rented them, just a few metres from the Parque Güell, has seen many litres of alcohol poured, many heels dancing on the floor and many cocks cumming within its walls. The fact that Manu still has Johnny as his official boyfriend in Madrid doesn't worry her. They've been friends for a long time now, nothing more... the odd shag, but a bad one. Sex with her ex - ex-worker, ex-taxi driver, ex-fucker, ex-everything - is routine and boring. As routine as turning on the microwave.

Lucía never tires of telling her that you're only young once, that she should tell him to fuck off, she tells her all the time, while they share a table, meals and bed. Of course, if she leaves Johnny, she should let her know, so that she can shag the guy - she has a certain fixation on shagging other friends' people - before that's what we're here for. To lend a hand or to get laid...

Of the approximately 320 hours that make up the cabin crew training course, more than 240 hours are theoretical and the rest practical. Today Benito Arias, an attractive muscular man with tanned skin, brown hair and silver hair on the sides despite his youth, will continue with his class on general aviation knowledge, dangerous goods and actions to take in case of fire.

Lucía is crazy about fucking him again. A few weeks ago, in a display of originality, she had unbuttoned an extra button on his long-suffering shirt. Like a diligent Spartan in charge of safeguarding the passage of the thermopiles, the shirt resisted every furious attack from the army of Mrs. Cardoso's belligerent tits, with little success. To complete her malevolent plan, she had sat in the front row and had drawn the words CUM ON and MY TITS on her eyelids in bright lipstick. And Lucía kept opening and closing her eyelids...

Arias couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the explicit message. And he was still in disbelief, some hours later, while he was cumming between the colossal tits of Lucía in her convertible. Manu had his back to her at the entrance to the garage to keep them from being seen. Arias has a reputation to uphold. Lucía, on the other hand, didn't give a damn about his reputation, but she respected that he wanted to hide his affair with a student.

But that was before, now it's time to smoke a cigarette and go to class. An attractive redhead with long, curly, perfumed hair encourages them to engage in conversation. She is the native of Castelldefels, Ximena Prado, with a very white face, long legs and a skirt that resembles, more in size, a wide belt than the aforementioned article of clothing. After a few moments of chitchat, the really important topics of the day are touched upon.

-You really don't know what the Andrea technique is? Well, I don't know how you're going to pass? -says Ximena, looking fixedly with her clear eyes at Manu, while a sad cigarette languishes in her fine hands. Well, you can pass, of course, but it will be much more difficult... Only 10% of the girls pass. There are 24 of us... so do the maths. And this technique works like a charm. A good blowjob with a handjob and the teachers will put up with less or nothing. Then it's all plain sailing, well in this case "sucking and passing".

She throws the faint cigarette butt on the floor, steps on it with her Louis Vuitton boots, picks it up with two fingers and puts it in the half-empty Marlboro Light packet.

-And do you know how it goes? -ask a surprised Manu and Lucía in unison.

-Of course I know, fuck, I may pretend to be stupid, but I'm not..." She lights up another cigarette and takes a long drag, looking up at the sky. Guys ejaculate right away. It takes a bit of practice, but if you're good at it, maybe.... There's a rumour among us that the director of the centre, Andrea Recio, has so perfected this technique, her technique, that any cock she swallows comes in her mouth in less than a minute. That she's a top-notch cock-swallower, a beast. Let's see, this rumour isn't completely confirmed, but I believe it to the letter. Have you noticed the slutty face the director has? She owes them one cock after the other! How envious! Well, do you want to learn the technique or not? This won't be free, I'm not an NGO. You'll owe me a favour that I'll charge for later... If you're up for it, and you really want to pass with flying colours, I have an opening in a few days. A friend of mine is coming. He's got a cock like a horse, hard as a rock and takes forever to cum. He sure does, the motherfucker. He'd gladly lend himself to be your practice cock. Are you both up for it or not?

-You're taking too long! -Lucía nods immediately, shaking her head like the infamous decorative dog with the tilting head of our parents' cars.

After a while, they enter the classroom, where Arias is already writing on the blackboard with his ass clenched in his jeans, capable of cracking walnuts two at a time. Lucía sulkily sits at the back of the classroom... she's been robbed of the chance to sit in front of a faster student. And probably a sluttier one. A giggly Manu laughs with Ximena as she shows her a photo sent by her boyfriend in a fit of love and seductive gifts. A Whatsapp of his erect member dressed in a bow tie and cape. Johnny is foolish enough to take the photo of himself in front of a mirror, revealing female feet and a bra at the bottom of the frame. Manu has long been aware of his lapses. She consents to them, she knows perfectly well what guys are like and their "unmanageable" needs.

-En catalán, si us plau! demands one of the girls sitting in the front row with short blonde pixie hair, shortly after Commander Arias begins his class on dangerous goods.

-Excuse me, Mrs Puig i Solans? -Arias raises his eyebrows and turns to the class. He knows who interrupted him. He's just walked into the classroom, with his senyera stamped on his threadbare denim jacket, and his Frenchified Catalan timbre.

-Escolti, Mr. Arias. We are in Catalonia, and we have, indeed... it is our national obligation, to respect that extraordinary language, catalá. Fundamental for understanding the idiosyncrasies of this great nation that is Catalonia," replies an exalted Marga Puig i Solans, tapping her pencil on the table repeatedly until it breaks.

She denotes with her haughty voice how much she dislikes having to switch to the vile Castilian to make herself understood, while she looks for the approval of her classmates with her eyes. Lucía snorts at her, like a stray cat, and digs out her nails, while Manu throws his head back, rolls his eyes in disbelief and says loudly that here we go again with the same old bullshit. The other companions fall silent and lean forward curiously so as not to miss any of the details of the coming storm.

-Firstly, Catalonia is not a nation... it's a wonderful region of a country called Spain. Secondly, Catalan, Ms Puig, will be of little use to you in this profession, let alone on intercontinental flights. Apart from the fact that it is disrespectful to the other people attending the course to speak and demand classes in Catalan. Do you think that, on an international flight to Buenos Aires, for example, a mother having an anxiety attack, it is going to help her if you try to calm her down in Catalan? Instead of Spanish, which is spoken by 580,000 million people as opposed to? let's be generous, 11 million Catalan speakers? It's like speaking Swedish. For simple mathematics and optimisation of resources, we should focus on Spanish as a linguistic vehicle. You will surely want to opt for the best positions that your training allows you, so why exclude yourself by renouncing a language that can open so many doors? You can be very proud to be Catalan and speak it... I encourage all types of training that make us more competitive and proud of our roots, but I deeply dislike being exclusive. To exclude for being different is appalling in this global world. Our differences should unite us, never separate us, don't you think?

Margarita lowers her gaze, shifts her finger and sinks into her chair, ashamed of her stupidity. She writes unconnected words in her notebook to disguise them, when in reality she keeps repeating to herself mentally: "Jo l'he cagat per gilipolles".

-Thank you, I thought so. -ends Benito Arias.

Margarita Puig i Solans is not so stupid as not to realise that she has made a mistake and that same night, after the usual planned dinner with the teaching staff, she tries to put things right and apologise to Arias. She intercepts him as he leaves the ladies' and gents.

Despite being very pro-independence, lesbian - though not entirely so -, very convinced, very fond of her land and her local butifarras, she does not hesitate to propose to the teacher, as a truce of peace, that he should shove it up her ass. She's willing to let the fat, sinewy Pamplona-style "salchichonera y charnega" cock penetrate her virginal ass for the first time as a token of goodwill.

She pulls down her tight jeans, along with her thong in the colours of the senyera, and leans her ass back as she opens the window of the ladies' room. She sticks her head out to make sure no one is in the garden and spreads her ass cheeks apart, inviting the teacher to penetrate her. Now Arias can shove it into her. She begs him to be gentle. Arias assures her that he will while spitting on his cock. 

With the first penetration she can't help biting her lips with pleasure. She missed a good cock so much. After the first thrust, Arias throws her to the ground like an animal untied from its choker collar and then goes on to squeeze her small, pear-shaped tits like someone kneading bread. With no mercy for other people's property, the teacher repeatedly, with both hands, bruises the pierced nipples of his wayward student's pierced nipples, while his cock plunges into her ass like the spear of Sant Jordi. 

-Fucking independent de los cojons," Arias whispers softly with each meaty thrust, as his hard balls slap Marga's ass. Zup, zup, zup. The tiny washbasin, closed with a tiny latch, intensifies with its echo, the panting of both of them. Their rhythmic pounding emulates the Bruch Drummer in the famous battle from which it takes its name.

Marga would never confess that the mere situation of being fucked by the authoritarian Spanish state is making her super horny. Almost as much as she was turned on by Aurelio, her brother Jaume's friend, when he went to spend a weekend in Girona and fucked her in her parents' bed, a thousand years before she became a lesbian. What a cock he had...

Without being able to help it, she cums like a schoolgirl with a muffled scream. She barely manages to put her hand down to cover her mouth as Arias unloads not once, but twice, a spectacular load, once on her reddened and very tight Catalan ass and once on her Barcelona back. And he shoves it back in the same place.

-Déu meu, em vaig desmaiar de plaer" Miss Puig repeats to herself mentally, as she pulls her ass back violently so as not to spoil any of the animal of a cumshot that the enlightened teacher is rhythmically pumping into her ass. He'll explain to his girlfriend Angels that a good sinewy cock gives much more play than a fucking shitty plastic cock on a belt. Or maybe she'll shut up... no need to hurt her nationalist feelings, nor her militant lesbian ego. It will be her little secret.

As for Benito, there's nothing that makes him harder than fucking the separatists... and of course Miss Puig realises her mistake. He pulls his still throbbing reddening cock out of Marga's ass and shoves it into her wet cunt to deflate it there. After a while she pulls his cock away and sits down on her knees on top of his flush-fitting leather jacket and finishes sucking the last drops of Benito's sperm. Arias gratefully rubs the plum over his ears and the corners of his mouth between gasps. Here peace and then glory. The French troops have fled.

Marguerite has taken a weight off her shoulders and Arias' voluminous eyaculation... he even more. Things well done, look well done. Her father, the famous councillor of the "Tot units sempre" party has paid good money so that she could be a stewardess. And she is not going to spoil it for a stupid thing said at the wrong time. La pela es la pela. To fail the course is to be left without her generous allowance. She looks out of the window of the lavatory of the restaurant "El conill feliç" at the beautiful starry night in Barcelona... while the last pearly drops of lumpy semen slide lazily out of her ass. How beautiful Barcelona is at night... with money -sighs Marga with her ass reddened a l'ast.

A few days later, Ximena's house.

Manel waits naked on Ximena's heart-shaped bed. He really does have, as Ximena promised them, a very fat cock, like the piston of a truck. He wields his best piece with his right hand, while cradling his plump, shaved balls with his left. Ximena thanks him for coming, and asks her Alexa device to dim the lights and put on some chillout music. Manel knows very well that he has an "illegal" cock and shakes it back and forth like a botafumeiro. Thick pre-seminal drops stain the bedspread. He stops cradling his testicles and tells Lucia and Manu that they can start sucking his cock, that he's getting cold. And that's not acceptable.

-He's going to unhinge our jaws," Lucía starts to say with wide eyes as she involuntarily takes a step back. There's no way she's going to put that in her mouth.

Manu is pulling her hair back into a bun to show her friend that there's no need to be afraid in prison. Nothing is left of the insecure girl with braces in Madrid. In barely a year after the phone call, her life has turned around 180 degrees. Life has to be grabbed by the balls, with two hands, without fear. She has just finished doing her hair when she is interrupted by Ximena.

-Exactly! replies Ximena to Lucía, dressed in black garter belt, see-through silk dressing gown, spitting in her hand and bending over the eighth wonder. The Andrea technique isn't about awkwardly sticking his cock in the mouth and sucking for hours like an asshole. It's about licking the glans, wrapping your tongue around it, accompanying each suck with a hard flick of the wrist, attending every pleasure beat of the shaft, entertaining herself, flicking the frenulum of this imposing cock with her tongue. I'll show you. Manel... Is your friend ready to give a vital lesson?

Always -answers Manel, cupping his arms into a pillow-like shape, as his cock accepts the challenge and seems to swell even more, freed from the prison of his broad hand. In some strange way, everything is big in Manel....

Ximena bends lovingly over the reddening demon made flesh, and strokes the glans repeatedly with her ring finger. -Showtime, bitches! -she says loquaciously. New pearly drops leave Manel's foreskin and slide down his cock to die on Ximena's fist. Even after so many years of knowing Manel, it still surprises her that, no matter how hard she tries, she's always a few centimetres short of being able to fit one hand around the diameter of her friend's cock.

The lesson begins. Manu and Lucía can't stop nudging each other with their mouths agape, amazed at how much they still have to learn. What an art! What voluptuousness licking Manel's cock, stopping at every thick throbbing vein. Biting every inch of cock and then accompanying each nibble with an apology in the form of a kiss. Ximena's lips, brimming with sweet saliva enjoy every inch of Manel's colossal horse cock. The bluish crimson lips corner, melt, suck the glans with inaudible plops, while a dexterous hand shakes Manel's phallus like someone trying to open an old umbrella. Manel moans with pleasure and doesn't cease to curl his toes like a possessed man.

-Fuck, sister," says an astonished Lucía to Manu. Well, he doesn't have to pump blood to keep that big dick cock. He won't even be able to think straight... and look, look... he's going to cum right now. His balls are about to explode...

Manel shouts in a breathless voice: "Take cover!" and cums like a bull in Ximena's hand. Like a tower doomed to be demolished, his cock explodes with a voluminous volley of sperm that reaches a considerable height to fall plummeting on Ximena's hand. Splash. One, two, three, four more bestial spurts bury the hostess's cum-filled hand, while the balls deflate little by little. It certainly looks like a two-ball ice cream melting in the sun on a young woman's hand. Mrs. Prado stops the stopwatch with the only hand she has left untouched?

-6 minutes and 14 seconds," says a proud Ximena. Personal record. Now it's up to you to apply yourselves... I've already worked my magic. And I promise you, this bad boy, this Ramses, has milk for the whole night.

Manu takes off his jacket, pulls down his tight black lycra trousers, and even with the thong on, starts rubbing her ass on Manel's semi-flaccid cock. As promised by Ximena, Manel's cock presents arms almost immediately, ready for service like a good soldier, and he stands up again over the corpses of his enemies. Manuela's shapely ass cheeks trap Manel's imposing cock in her valley. The faun is being driven mad by the touch of the silk of Manuela's arousal-soaked thong. He can't believe he's so horny again. Rampant with pleasure. Manu denies Manel's cock entrance to her wet cunt, and starts licking his cock just like Ximena had shown him minutes before. This time poor Manel doesn't even have time to tell God, and he cums in Miss Garcia's syrupy mouth. Manu, like a diligent student, swallows all of his warm seed in one go without complaint. When she finishes, she shows her clean tongue to Lucía and Ximena, shrugs both knees as if clutching an imaginary French frilly dress and exclaims: "Ready! Ximena stops the timer at 8 minutes and 42 seconds. Lucia applauds ostentatiously, jumping up and down nervously.

It's Lucía's turn. Manel is defeated. To cum twice in barely fifteen minutes is enough to kill anyone. And the task ahead of Lucia is titanic. But Miss Atomic Tits of Mass Destruction may be many things, but she's never lazy or a bad student. She's paid a lot of attention to the two master classes she's just received and she's going to make the "Ramses of Castelldefels" cum in no time. She's got him by the dick, I mean by the measure. She copies and improves each of Ximena's techniques by adding her personal touch. First of all, she releases her colossal but turgescent breasts that wobble first as they are freed from the prison of the black bra, to face again an unsuspecting Manel. The view is also important. Then Lucía tucks in, the impressive, steel-hard cock again and gives him a lady wank while sucking his glans. Manel puts his hands to his head and doesn't know what to do not to cum. Lucia spits on his already wet glans and wraps, cradles and rubs her long dark hairs around his already hypersensitive foreskin. Feeling the fine hairs brush against his glans, Manel unloads one last time like a shaken bottle of Coke. The most voluminous of all the cumshots he can remember in his life and he had already cum like a titan minutes before. Fireworks like in the best village festivals. Lucía's ample tits are covered almost entirely with cum. Long, irregularly sized streaks of pasty white paint. As if a painter had been shaking his brush wildly at the end of his work. Lucía is very horny when they cum on her tits. She always has.

Ximena stops the stopwatch. She bites her nails in envy. It reads 4 minutes and 37 seconds. She snorts and rolls her eyes. Beginner's luck, no doubt. After a while she accompanies them to the door of her flat, demanding Manel to stay in bed, as he still has homework in a while. He replies with an amused, but not without sadness: "Leave me alone for today, bitch".

Already in the taxi back to his flat, Manu confesses to Lucía that she doesn't want to approve of sucking or wanking anyone. That she loved having total control over Manel, seeing how the frustrated guy slapped her ass cheeks, how his huge cock melted in her mouth like an ice cream in the sun, but that she's not a cheater. 

-What a relief, sis. I don't want to jerk off anyone I don't like to fulfil my dream of being a stewardess either. Well, Arias, yes... I'd fuck him again. He's as tasty as a cream pie. We'll pass on our own, no cheating. I have a perfect plan, to keep us focused on our studies, not give up anything and pass with flying colours... -sentences Lucía while she plants a snog on Manu and sticks two fingers under his trousers, to the despair of the taxi driver from the flag down and pulse rate up. It wouldn't be the first time that Manu would give a taxi driver a heart attack... and if not, tell that to Mario a few years later.

Weeks later, Lucía and Manuela's flat.

-Security on board. Tell me at least five steps to be taken to ensure the well-being of the passengers," demands Lucía, sitting naked on the balcony with a generous glass of red wine in her hand. A cream-coloured pamela and exaggerated dark mirrored glasses are her only attire.

-Eye contact: If the person doesn't look the crew members in the eye when they enter the aircraft, they may have a good reason; such as fear of flying, not feeling well, or perhaps a personal problem? -says a sweaty Manuela in a breathy voice on all fours a few feet away from her. The tanned, headscarf-wearing exchange student, who is penetrating her from behind, doesn't flinch and keeps pounding cock after cock into Manu. Manners: If a person responds to a greeting, he is a potential help in case of emergency," Manuela gasps, closing her eyes. The student friend has already ejaculated on her and under the threat of not inviting her to study together again, she is applying herself carefully. Manuela continues to list the criteria...

Lucía nods with pleasure at the answers and tells the muscular waiter from the beach bar they met yesterday to keep licking her waxed pussy. She hits him on the crown of his head with the bottle of wine, then pours the entire contents over his blonde hair. The waiter doesn't bat an eyelid and keeps on licking Lucía, now showered in wine. Our friend has already cum a long time ago, but doesn't say anything (as usual). She asks Manuela a string of questions again, and she bravely answers each and every one of them correctly. The Catalan student? He couldn't help ejaculating this time, inside Manu. His chest doesn't stop pumping as if he'd been running a marathon. What a cannon of a female. Manuela has also cum a while ago. This studying while fucking works like a charm. It's a good study technique. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees her soulmate get up from her chair, throw her pamela over the balcony and kneel down in front of the waiter. She asks him, or rather, demands that he cum on her tits, which have also been watered with wine. As she waits for the answer to her demands, she jerks herself off with the neck of the empty bottle. The waiter gladly complies and makes her warm with sperm. Not even the sunglasses are spared. After a while, the boys, unloaded and happier than a pair of castanets, leave, whistling.

Both Lucía and Manuela know that they will pass the practical exams without any difficulty. They have been studying for weeks without leaving the house and have no doubt that the exams will be like taking candy from a child. They are the dedicated students that they are. Afterwards, they will only have to face the practical classes, which will take place in Mallorca.

Later, Lucía's mother, Ana Vergara, has promised to come by the flat. It's time for a bit of tidying up. Lucía picks up her lilac dildo and throws it from the dining room onto her bed, where it is embedded between pillow and bedspread like a defective missile. Manu collects bottles, empty glasses and underwear in every corner. The most important thing now is that Ana later sees that everything has been tidied up... All's well that seems well that seems well. She loves Barcelona.

Do you want to know more about Manu, Lucía and the OpenFly Air company?
Well, it's easy, just click on the marked links and that's it!

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¡The Booktrailer!

¡The soundtrack!

Manu Chao - Me gustas tú

Tom Jones & Mousse T - Sexbomb

LMFAO - Sexy and I know it


  1. This second part of the "OpenFly Air" Origins is even better. Totally in Love with Lucía and Manu.


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