The Manor of Alcina Benavente (Cthulhu Special 2022)
All English translations are done as honestly as possible by a non-native speaker. However, if there are any mistakes, please feel free to comment.
-How did I get here? replies an indignant, bruised and soot-covered Norberto Gracia. He signs his photographic work for the culinary magazine "Ponerse morado" as Norbert Jones to make himself look cooler. Norbert takes another drag on his cigarette, looks up in the direction of Captain Orduño of the police station, closes his eyes to try not to miss a detail and begins his terrifying story.
A week ago, I received an invitation to cover the weekend of the annual octopus fair in O Poxardo de abaixo. Being a well-known photographer of local dishes, really, you didn't recognise me? I'm a really famous... All expenses paid on the spot and entertained from the moment I arrive in the village. Nobody likes to have their local gastronomy photographed as a burger from Burger King, you know what I mean, don't you?
I'm independent, indomitable, I don't bow to the established power, a free verse... Well, I need to get to the point. The invitation was accompanied by a sweet photo of the hostess of the event and mayoress Alcina Benavente. In it she blew me an imaginary kiss, presiding over a huge table with pictures of octopuses everywhere. And, what the hell, the mayoress was there to give him one fuck after another. Very good looking. Don't get me wrong, did I say that out loud? This isn't recorded anywhere, is it?
Captain Orduño says yes, and continues to take notes in a tiny notebook. The fringe of her brunette hair plays a trick on her, and from her graceful puff she blows it away, revealing huge brown eyes. Her white T-shirt is at least two sizes too small, and her small but perky breasts threaten mutiny. A black bra is crouching treacherously behind the shirt, waiting to start the rebellion by surrendering the square. Norberto is silent for a second, lost in the mountains of madness of the authority agent, and continues his story.
When I arrived at the local train station, I quickly realised that time had stopped about 100 years ago. Everything was old, now they call it vintage, the buildings, the streets, the people. A few metres from the platform the promised means of transport was waiting for me. A jet-coloured Lincoln limousine no less, with strange shapes, as if the car body was in pain. But hey, a Lincoln! The truth is that I deserved no less. I was liking my assignment more more and more. A spectacular brunette female in a dark dress with wide cream-coloured front buttons, red gloves and a beanie was waiting for me next to the vehicle.
A civilian, presumably a taxi driver, approached me, ready to do business. The driver looked at him and barked something I couldn't understand. Did you know that the word chauffeur comes from French and means "He who warms up"? I am telling you this because it will make sense after finishing the story of my woes of last night... excuse me, I continue... After ascertaining that it was indeed me she was addressing to the sign with my name on it, the chauffeur grabbed my suitcase as if it weighed nothing and we made our way to the car.
I got into the car, pushing my suitcase into the back seat. She started the car in a second as if she was in a hurry. I didn't even have time to fasten my seat belt. Dense storm clouds began to form soon after leaving the station.
Orduño raises his head and asks if I was really thinking of wearing a seat belt like a good boy in a limousine.
-No way," Norberto replies, ashamed of his clumsiness, and hides from him that the inside of the car seemed to be alive, organic, as if it were breathing.
The driver kept looking at me in the rear-view mirror every few seconds with those huge blue eyes as if I were prey. I would even say that they seemed to change colour. Imagine my surprise when, ten minutes into the journey, driving through a dense native forest, the car stopped and pulled lazily to one side. The driver got out of the car and pushed open my door. As I opened it, I noticed that she had already shed the top of her suit, her cap, and her panties, revealing shapely legs encased in daring white lace garters. Her waxed sex was a deafening cry of seduction. In front of me she ditched her ingrown heels, licked the heel of the left one and tossed them over her shoulder into the forest. It was known that he already needed them for driving. With both hands he removed my trousers, which flew the same way as his heels. I was still surprised when she straddled my erect cock and....
-You had already pulled down your pants and taken out your penis," the captain interrupts curiously.
The culinary photographer nods, saying that he was nobody to put doors on the sea and that a shag is a shag, and shag you don't get, shag you lose. Besides, you're the only one who loses the fuck and someone else ends up getting it.
The truth is, I was a bit nervous and I came like a lion a few minutes later inside the brunette's wet pussy. I really tried to pull out, but she stopped me, feeling my final pumps, sitting even harder on top of me. So I just let myself do it and left myself to my own devices. Nor did it help me to last longer, in the act, the continuous blows she gave me on my chest reciting some strange slang as she danced on my hard member. I smacked the cheeks of her prim and hard ass repeatedly and bit her dark hard nipples in indignation. She was biting her lips again and again - she even drew blood! And she continued to ride me, like a madwoman, until she was sure that there was not a drop left on my testicles. With all the cum she'd squirted, I expected a few wayward drops to have escaped from her hot sex, but nothing at all. All inside. She said something about her boss Carulo being satisfied, I don't know if it's important. He got up without kissing me or anything and went out the back. I felt very used. I have feelings. Safeguarding my flaccid and squeezed member in the shelter of my pants, I noticed the curious tattoo of an octopus on his right shoulder blade. Horrifying! These young people will tattoo any kind of bullshit.
Orduño, snorts indignant or jaded, it's up to the reader.
The chauffeur opened the door again and threw the crumpled trousers at me. These had missed the whole party. The few coins I was carrying scattered around the car. As I put on my trousers, more harm than good, the limousine started and in about half an hour we would arrive at the hotel.
If time had stopped a century ago in the village, it had stopped two centuries ago in the hotel. An imposing, sad greyish grey structure housed my accommodation.
The beautiful woman with short blonde hair and a broad smile at the reception desk, as she handed me the keys to the suite, wished me a happy stay and that I would be able to fulfil my duties as the hostess had said I would. In a few minutes one of her daughters would come to my room to give me some presents and a detailed plan of the festivities. Daughters, she said she had? Several? She herself couldn't have been more than thirty. The air in this part of the region certainly does wonders. I thanked her for her attention, while mentally praising her stupendous heart-shaped ass, and noting that in the hotel, mostly decorated with nautical motifs, nets, boats and other tasteless crap, the almost hypnotic figure of the mayoress Benavente stood out, always flanked by octopodiform cephalopod motifs.
Captain Orduño clears her throat, snorts and continues to jot down notes in her notebook.
I had just got out of the shower when there was a knock at the door. I hurriedly dressed in a tiny towel that left my entire tripod in the air. Have you ever noticed that most coat hooks look like two-armed octopuses? She was undoubtedly one of the receptionist's twenty-something daughters by the coppery colour of her hair. Again without a word, I was shoved and thrown backwards onto the bed.
-Girl, what are you doing? You're too little to play with that! -I shouted unconvincingly as she hid my swollen member inside her sweet mouth with braces.

I had a huge erection again. I reaffirm that the air in the region is wonderful and does my testosterone good as well, don't you think so? I continue... I threw my arms back and let myself go. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. What a way of sucking with braces and everything, my God, as if there was no tomorrow. I helped her by pulling on her pigtails so that she didn't leave any centimetre of dick un-sucked. I would accompany those gentle tugs by stroking her hair like a little dog and telling them to be good to Daddy. She made me promise that I would cum inside her, or else Mom and Cachopo would get mad. I said I had no problem with that. Rarely does a man in his thirties get the chance to enjoy a young, perfumed pussy. She insisted that I shouldn't cheat on her, that she needed that I cum inside her, that he could do it as many times as I want. For such a young girl, she was very annoying. I told her to stop sucking me off if she didn't want me to spray paint her face. I told her to get down on all fours, I was going to stick it in doggy style and to tell me her name. I like to call them by another name on purpose afterwards, so that at that moment when they get stiff with surprise, I can shove them all the way up to their balls. She didn't answer me, but she did raise her delicious ass for me to ram into her. I pulled down her panties with one hand while with the other I caressed her sex. Then, to throw her off the scent, since the name thing hadn't worked, I slammed it up her ass. She must not have liked that and started screaming "Mamaaaaaaaa!" like a crazy whore. A few seconds later, her mother came bursting into the room. I think she was in the corridor because of the short time it took her. She started screaming and I feared the worst. It wouldn't be the first time a parent caught me sticking it up their daughter's ass. I remember a photo session with a bride-to-be in Sanxenxo that I almost... Sorry, I got lost.
A few seconds later the mother was already pulling my cock out of her daughter's ass with her hand with a loud "plop" and helping me to shove it into her daughter's hot, very wet and quite tight cunt. The mother kept biting my ass cheeks and I kept shoving it all the way up the daughter's hard balls. I was like a madman. Crazed. I came in spasms, squeezing the girl's hips violently like the side buttons of a pinball machine after a successful game. The mother licked the last drops of my glans with devotion after making sure the rest of my cum stayed inside her daughter's pussy with her tongue. Didn't you want some chachopo? Well, have some chachopo.
I wanted to go to sleep, when the mother ordered me that it was her turn now. That's what a certain Carolo demanded. "Leave me alone, you bitches", I think I said. But I didn't listen. She grabbed my shy and exhausted cock and started to jerk me off between her huge tits with their wide aureoles. They no longer wear blouses or bras either. In this region, clothes tend to disappear in a mysterious way. My glans peeked shamefully between the mother's mounds as if asking for permission to get hard again. Very dignified, I replied to my mother that I could not make myself come, that one has one's limits. You can have two at my age and you're already a champion. With three, I could be admitted to the emergency room. That she could make a big effort, that for today I had already raised the white flag.
Seven minutes later, he had already unloaded twice more. The first between her tits, much to her annoyance, and the second in her curly blonde pussy, while the daughter this time sucking my balls as if they were coconut mochis. When I unloaded the second time, between spasms, I fell into a deep sleep. My dreams were restless with the smell of sea water and without ceasing to notice an overwhelming presence watching me.
I was woken up by the sounds of the festivities. The clatter of cutlery and women laughing merrily, I had slept for more than four hours! I was exhausted. I got dressed, grabbed my camera and set out to take the first snapshots of the festivities. I am a professional first and foremost. Why is he looking at me like that? When I went down to reception, despite the loud creaking of the wood from my footsteps, no one came out to meet me. At the reception desk all the keys to the locker were available except for mine and the keys to a Vespa. The annual octopus fair must not have been such a success after all. No wonder they wanted to give it a boost with my photos. But first I had to go to the manor of the mayoress who had so kindly invited me to spend the weekend with all costs paid. I went out into the street, and there was silence. The village women looked at me curiously, stopped decorating the tables and I noticed for the first time that there were no men in the village. Only young and middle-aged women. I glimpsed an old woman mumbling into her house so I wouldn't see her. I waved a hand, they stepped aside and I headed in the direction of the mayoress. How strange it was. The tables, rather than being decorated for a fair of typical dishes, looked like street altars with a multitude of candles. One of the wiser girls slapped me on the ass. I think that here they are in need of something other than octopus.
Alcina Benavente's hilltop mansion was an imposing traditional Galician manor house, caged in by black cast iron gates and shrouded in a ghostly fog. Well... house, it may seem silly, but it looked more like a stranded ship, propped up and rebuilt. Crowning the main entrance were some phrases that I couldn't decipher, but I made a note here "In absentia lucis, Tenebrae vincunt." Do you know what that means? It's French, isn't it?
Captain Orduño bored takes the note, reads it, says it is Latin and denies that she knows what it means with a nod of her head.
After crossing the entrance gate, I knocked on the door with my knuckles. A short time later, a petite maiden of slant-eyed origin opened the door for me. She wore a bonnet and a dress that should be forbidden because it was so short. She was ostentatiously chewing gum. Duster in hand she indicated that the lady was waiting for me in the library to welcome me. As I made my way to the staircase and marveled at the neat seashell details adorning the armrest, I heard her behind me mutter something like how lucky the motherfucker was as she popped a glob of bubble gum.
Again, paintings and more paintings of Alcina Benavente with her hair pulled back in a bun under a pamela. Each painting was spicier and with less clothes. A striking woman. There were other pictures, but those were much uglier, as if painted by a clumsy, artless child.
-They are by Clark Ashton Smith, corrected Captain Orduño, while the "Art Expert" continued his story.
Norbertín was waking up and I was beginning to feel a huge erection again. When I arrived at the library, she was waiting for me, seated in an, by all accounts, soft leather armchair, glass in hand. What a stunning woman. Dressed in a translucent silk camisole that revealed all her womanly weapons. Cream-colored garters and lacy lingerie. Her panties hinted at neat pubic hair. She offered me a glass of wine and apologized for her appearance. She liked to be comfortable among friends. No need to apologize I told her as I tried to hide my massive erection with my camera. Suddenly she got up from her chair and with unusual speed, stood in front of me.
-What do we have here? -The real king of the octopus festivities! Don't be shy, show me your big cock. We are all friends here.
I couldn't believe my eyes, and as if under a spell I had already unzipped my fly. My member and my balls were deposited in the gloved hand of the mayoress. She weighed them as if she were weighing a kilo of shrimp. She then began to slowly masturbate me while she drained her glass of wine. She placed it on an ornate table and with her other hand began to massage my balls. God, what a pleasure. My cock kept growing, it felt like it was going to explode.
-Very beautiful, exactly what we need. It resembles the procreating tentacle of the Great Shub-Niggurath. I hope your stay so far has been pleasant and that you still have enough strength left for the party in your honor, I guess you've warmed up enough, commented the slutty mayoress.
In a feverish state I nodded yes, I would have affirmed everything in those moments. Female hands began to undress me from behind me. They lifted up my "The Ramones" shirt and pulled down my khaki pants and underpants. They were the maid at the entrance along with another one in an even shorter skirt. The mayoress had already laid down on the wide table on her back, thrown some documents with family trees on the floor and opened her long legs waiting for my phallus. Her panties had magically disappeared. Too bad, I wanted to keep them as a souvenir. Once I was completely naked, they began to smear me with fragrant seaweed oils while the impatient countess ordered them to hurry up, I needed to feel Catulu's seed. I had to be impregnated without further delay. Yes, yes, she said impregnated, pregnant? Pregnant!
-It's Cthulhu," Captain Orduño corrected her again.
Norberto, not noticing the correction, continues to relate.
I grabbed her hard big breasts with my feverish hands. My hands barely covered them. Her tits were on fire and her nipples were hard as rocks. I tried to kiss her, I am a gentleman after all, and she pushed my face away and made me lick her huge nipples. Her nipples tasted salty and after a few minutes polishing them off, I thrust into her with a meaty lunge that made her roll her eyes. The vicious mayoress wrapped her legs around me as the maids relentlessly bit my nipples. A third one ran her duster, for the few centimeters that protruded every second, over my penetrating cock while another one smacked my ass with a wooden ruler. Both hissed in my ear like snakes. I was kind of dizzy, the room was spinning, I felt like all my strength was being sucked through my sinewy cock. And I heard the sound of bagpipes in the distance. Were the maidens playing the bagpipes? No. They were playing mine. Fucking hell. I love this part of the region. I'm going to dedicate a whole special to it...
Again, and unable to hold back any longer, I came again like a colossus, like a titan. A huge cumshot between the legs of the noble Mrs. Benavente. I barely pulled out my deflated member and rubbed my glans on her voluptuous intimate lips like a crazy brush painter. I couldn't take it anymore. I was dry as a bone, balls like marbles and worse still I hadn't taken a single snapshot. By the light from the window it was already getting dark. My goodness, I´m too late....
Now, now, please continue... titan," replied the captain, waving her hand.
The mayoress got up and ordered her maids to prepare me for the sacrifice, as I had already fulfilled my task. That the descendant of Cthulhu had gifted her with his seed. They grabbed me by the cock, one by the neck and the last one stayed in charge of my camera next to the mayoress. Don't you see how strong the maidens were now. But the occasion was impossibe to refuse, and taking advantage of the fact that my dick was getting smaller, I broke free and knocked them both out with one cockslap.
-With a cockslap? With a flaccid penis as you just admitted? -Orduño raises his eyebrows while tilting his head from left to right.
-Well, I got a little help from a nearby golf club... well... quite a bit, well... at all.
They fell to the ground and then down the stairs. Before I left I touched their tits. I threw myself outside. Outside there was a crowd with torches waiting while they were bawling in Basque, or Galician or I don't know... I didn't understand anything. They were all there, the driver, those from the hotel... I told them that there were too many torches to make a fire, that with a smart girl who knew how to make a fire, it was enough. A thundering sound brought them out of their reverie and dark clouds began to drop ballast. At the same time Alcina Benavente shouted from the window, with all her tits still uncovered, that they should sacrifice me, kill me... what a nuisance... and I thought that I had given her a great fuck... it's not like that either, don't you think? The crowd was first of all shocked, then they got pissed off and started throwing pitchforks at me and chasing me. Good thing I still had some depth and gave them the slip. When I got to town, I was able to get the keys to the Vespa and here I am. Scared and wet as a small dog.
-Well, now we have everything we need. I think you lie all the time. And I also believe that the only thing that is certain is that you have stolen a motorcycle. The smartest thing to do is for you not to press charges against the mayoress or the town. You don't have any proof, it would be the word of a whole town against yours. I'll drop him off at the bus station and that's that, Mr. Gracia? -asks the captain, getting up from the table and locking the door. -And so that I don't press charges against you for having wasted my time with your extravagant story, I demand that you show me Norbertín.
Norberto nods, he has a reputation to uphold and unzips his zipper again. He spits on Norbertín, the fucker is ready... he doesn't look fed up, and gets down to business.
Epilogue 1 – One hour later
Yes, Mom, it's all settled. He's not going to press any charges and he'll be satisfied if the town don't report him either. What if he has impregnated me? Of course, you know how persuasive I am when I want to be. He still had a good load left in him... Of course I know we have a lot at stake... The last direct descendant of Cthulhu is no small thing... I don't think he knows his lineage. He's pretty dumb. The most important thing is that at least five of us have received his seed. Now we will sire several offspring to our lord and his postponed reign will begin... I love you too, goodbye. Iä, iä, Cthulhu fhtagn!
Captain Orduño Benavente hangs up the phone on the mayoress, finishes pulling up her soaked panties, grooms her milk-filled beaver, ties her tie and leaves the room.
Epilogue 2 – Hours later
Stuck in the bus, Norberto can't stop reliving the strange weekend he's had to live through. He's been more of a fucker than a worker. As soon as he gets to the capital, he'll take a few days off and try to heal his dick. It's one thing to have had a vasectomy a year ago after that wild trip to the Canary Islands, and another to have Norbertín almost raw after so much extra work, so much that he has to put him in a bucket with ice...
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Leonard Cohen - I´m your Man
We leave you some of Clark Ashton Smith's works to appreciate his work. Unfortunately, the paintings with Alcina Benavente were destroyed in a horrible fire years ago.
Combining cosmic horror with Chtulhu is not easy and I think Alcina Benavente's story has turned out really well, congratulations!