
Shared train carriage, a short story with Claudia


All English translations are done as honestly as possible by a non-native speaker. However, if there are any mistakes, please feel free to comment.

🇪🇦 spanish version

Claudia Domínguez almost missed the AVE train back to Madrid. Almost by a whisker. And all because of the greedy taxi driver. He spent the whole way out of the station looking at her voluptuous legs encased in her white fishnet stockings and had to give her a hell of a ride. Of course she didn't pay the fare. And so she let the taxi driver know. He was ashamed of his mistake and clumsiness. Mario accepted without complaining and without stopping looking at her legs through the interior rear-view mirror. Even a battalion of the most intrepid explorers could get lost in those legs, he thought. She of course spread her legs a couple of times to give him a fleeting glimpse of the panties embedded in her sex. Claudia loved to play with men. She was convinced that if she opened and closed her legs a little more, the taxi driver would eventually carry her bag to the platform. How predictable guys are!

-But we'll get there in time, won't we? If I don't catch the last one at 9 p.m. I'll be stuck on the ground, she exclaimed with regret as the taxi driver put his foot down and fantasised about a similar ending last year when he was still working in Santillana del Mar.

No one has ever given Claudia anything for free and she - like all women - has her own weapons and tricks to seduce men. Deep down they are all kids. You let your long brunette hair down, nibble a temple of your glasses and show them a bit of cleavage with a breath of black bra. You go on to praise their biceps (Do you go to the gym?) or comment with your wide brown eyes that they smell great (Your cologne drives me crazy) and sign everything you put in front of them. Contracts, leases, death sentences. All while they bawl like starving goats with a huge erection. And as they are all very macho, only a handful of them back down afterwards to negotiate better conditions.

-Well, girl, let's rest now, thinks Claudia as she takes a seat in the lonely carriage near the window, puts her dark jacket to one side and unbuttons her white blouse a little. She's been hot as hell in her haste. She switches on the laptop, enters her password "FuckingSlut01", checks her mail, satisfied that she has already reached her quarterly targets by the middle of the month. The train lazily sets off. She closes the laptop, and takes one last look at Seville's Santa Justa station before resting her eyes. Her last thought, before she falls asleep, is the hope that no one will take a seat near her on the just under three hours to Madrid.

The voice from the loudspeakers announcing that Córdoba will be the next stop suddenly wakes her up. The carriage is still deserted except for a young man in front of her. A long-haired backpacker is engrossed in staring at his tablet with his headphones on. As his electronic device is the only source of light in the almost dark carriage, the reflection of what he is watching is clearly reflected in the window. Sleeping on his lap is a very bulky denim jacket riddled with patches from places he has no doubt visited. An old guitar rests on the seat next to her. Curious, she looks out the window to get an idea of what he's watching...

The pig is watching a pornographic film and wiggling it under his filthy jacket.

-Asshole, says Claudia, and he hasn't even noticed that I woke up. The dirty bastard must have been staring at my tits for a long time before that. And now he's finished touching it with the film. What film is it? Have I seen it? -She looks back at the window. The film doesn't ring a bell.

A Nubian woman is greedily sucking a white man's cock up to the hilt in some kind of African hut. He is dressed as an explorer with his salacot half fallen down and she is clearly an indigenous woman. The wall of the hut sings of a set and almost falls down, revealing a stagehand. The director has wanted to make his masterpiece of seduction on a shoestring, and it shows. But, anyway... the money you can make with this kind of productions barely covers the cost of towels now that everything is free on the internet. She definitely hasn't seen the film.

-He could at least turn the volume down, dammit. You can hear everything, Claudia thinks indignantly. Meanwhile, the Nubian begs the man to cum like a machine gun in her black face as she sticks a finger up her ass. -What a scandal. And he's so relaxed, masturbating in front of me, under that filthy, slutty jacket. I'm sure he's got a big fat cock and exploding balls. All street performers, backpackers, usually have huge cocks. She can't explain this phenomenon either. This one, in particular, looks like he has a weapon of mass destruction between his legs. He must be dirty. I'm sure he's "machine-gunned" more than one of them in all those places he's visited. He's probably lost them in his "art" and then he's off to visit another city. And if I've seen you I don't remember. Fucking hippie with a fat cock.

She clears her throat and lets out a loud "ahem". Samuel doesn't seem to notice and increases his wanking speed. Claudia clears her throat again and this time, Samuel notices that his partner is not still asleep as he imagined. He's startled and drops his jacket to the floor, revealing a veiny, pearly cock. I knew it, Claudia exclaims inwardly.

-You're a dirty bastard, boy, jerking off in front of me. In the middle of the train. You should be ashamed to have a cock like that, to touch that fat cock in front of a lady like me, she says, raising her voice. Claudia can't stop staring at the moster tool while nibbling on the temple of her glasses. Samuel doesn't stop his masturbation, challenging her with his eyes, and then he moves on to her tits. Claudia can't believe the backpacker's cheek.

He slowly runs his fist down the shaft of her swollen glans to the base of her balls, where he stops and makes his cock dance from right to left. And it's back to square one. Without a hint of embarrassment after the initial surprise.

-Cover that dick or fuckin' cum. You're going to get us both in trouble, the conductor will come and we'll both get thrown out... you for being a pig and me for being a whore thinking that I like to get my dick sucked in front of me.

-Well, lend me a hand, fuck, and we'll finish before we get caught, Samuel says, squeezing his waxed balls. His pearly cock throbbing rebelliously in his other hand.

-Sorry? What? You want me to fuck you so you'll cum first? Just to keep us both from getting thrown out? Fuck off and get it fucking over with!

-No... I dont´t want that you touch me, I want that you suck my cock, you whore!

The conductor's distant voice tells a distant passenger that Puertollano will be the next stop and begs him kindly to see the ticket.

-No way, you bastard. You can hurry up and cum now.

Samuel continues to challenge her with his eyes. He tells her he won't do it without help. Claudia surprises herself by running her tongue over her lips.

-Come on, give me that, Claudia concludes, lacking alternatives and fearful of making a mess again, as she sits down next to the horny passenger and gives his fat cock four wiggles. You'll never come at that rate. Fuck.

Claudia has made a mess again. She did it a few weeks ago at the Swingers club in Plaza Mayor

She was always accompanied by her homosexual friend Genaro even though he wasn't a real companion. He immediately disappeared from the game board in search of his queen while she enjoyed watching and analysing how the local fauna behaved in the club, supported from the bar-discotheque. She was never going to fuck. She had more class and style for those who gathered there, she was an educated, successful businesswoman as well as a lawyer. And a good one. Claudia went there for the morbid pleasure of watching, to laugh at them and to tell them all with her mere presence how unattainable she was for them. What they couldn't fuck in a million years. That they should choose other women. The overweight ones, the older ones, the ugly ones, the dumb ones. Claudia felt strongly that if you were a woman like her, attractive, sculpted body, successful, intelligent, you didn't come to a place like this to offer yourself as if you were in a market. You went to these places because you wouldn't have a fucking chance if you didn't get your wallet out. The club was the last bastion of those who wouldn't or couldn't pay for sex and thought their body was payment enough.

She was above them all. She was a goddess among common mortals. A superior being. The people who hovered around here were probably uneducated, nondescript, in short, vulgar people. She took great pleasure in continually rejecting the brave men and women who politely approached her.

What immense pleasure it was to see their faces when they were rejected and to leave them with their tails between their legs! She enjoyed the scene as she sipped mischievously from her glass of champagne. Claudia was out of that league of losers. She reserved for the club the same attire; suit jacket, pleated trousers, tied back hair and a small black mask that hid half of her face. The mask was necessary lest a client in her office might recognise her. That was not smart and she was very smart.

Claudia never lost control. She didn't like that at all. Except for that incident with the "Viking guy" at the vending machine in the office's court. The asshole was able to fuck her in his own office, on his desk like a common bitch in heat and he only had to take it up the ass. It is true that Claudia enjoyed the sexual collision she had with him immensely, but it was a weakness that could not be repeated or allowed. She had to cancel the next day's meeting as the fucker could not think of a better place and idea to put part of his masculinity in the dossier.

The next day, now calmer, she decided not to renew the contract with the vending company. That way she would avoid Mr. fat cock coming back to fuck her. He had even threatened to shove it up her ass, the bastard.

As they took the machine away a few days later, Claudia couldn't help a little shiver running down her spine. She remembered the strange night when she lost control of the situation. She had inadvertently slipped a hand up her skirt. Her panties were soaking wet. She quickly went into her private toilet and masturbated, reminiscing about the encounter, giving herself a brutal orgasm. She left a few minutes later for the usual meeting with her team. She didn't put on her panties, they were impossibly tight and dripping.

In the club, Claudia smiled as she watched. She wasn't for them. Let them watch. Let them fantasize. Let them touch themselves with her in mind. There was nothing that gave her more pleasure and amusement than the knowledge that she was unattainable.

What happened that night in the office was nothing more than an anecdote. It would never happen again. She was back in control.

A few hours later Claudia was being fucked by three men at the same time.

On all fours, she was taking it up her ravishing ass, which had only been a virgin for a few minutes, while giving another guy a blowjob and masturbating another cock with one hand. Her waist-length hair was tossing and turning with each unyielding thrust into her ass. Her initial moans of pain were quickly drowned out by her moans of pleasure. And also as she could barely make a sound because of the huge black cock in her mouth. Her big tits swayed to the rhythm of each penetration causing the few remnants of white cum from the third man's cum to slide to the floor. He had ejaculated so brutally on her tits that he had almost completely drenched her. As the white cum bounced across her breasts, Claudia had her first orgasm.  The ass penetrator with a guttural sound, gripping her hips tightly, announced his ejaculation by unloading all inside her. He pulled out still hard as rivers of cum spurted out of her ass as if he had uncorked a bottle of champagne. The last gasps of his explosion fell on her back and some of her long hair. The black cock in her mouth seemed to respond to the onslaught and wanted to unload as well. Claudia was deft, she was able to pull the black pole out so that his cum only smeared her left cheek and part of her still wearing mask. The brunette grunted in offence. The fucker wanted to cum in his mouth. "Not in this lifetime, asshole," Claudia thought.

Unhinged as she was, she struggled to remember how it had come to this, how it had gotten out of hand. She'd messed up again like this...

Samuel snorts with pleasure as his cock seems to get fatter and fatter in the executive's hand. The handjob doesn't seem to have the desired effect and Claudia moves on to plan B. She pushes her hair to one side and lowers her head to his cock. Samuel, with his left hand, guides Claudia down to his glistening cock while his deft right hand has already overcome the flimsy barricade of her panties and is jerking her off. Claudia would have complained about not having the whole cock in her mouth and not being able to say a word. -God, what a cock she's got. He's going to unhinge my jaw. And the son of a bitch not only has a glorious cock but also long, slick fingers. I'm going to cum like a schoolgirl. Fucking backpacker.

-Keep sucking, I'm going to cum, says Samuel. You suck so hard for such a prissy girl.

Claudia looks at him offended, still wearing her glasses, and stirs. He's not going to cum first, no way; she's going first.

And she'd better hope those fingers know how to play more than just an old guitar, because if she doesn't come, she's going to report him to the conductor for rape. He responds by squeezing her tits and sticking his cock all the way into her mouth.

The conductor's voice gets closer and closer and asks another passenger for a ticket.

Samuel plunges his fingers into Claudia's vulva, and spoons his index and middle fingers over and over again into her wet pussy. The play of his wrist, applying his palm to her clitoris, finally makes Claudia cum. Her scream of pleasure is drowned out, once again, by a cock in her mouth.

The conductor is only 20 feet away. Your tickets, please?

Samuel grabs Claudia's head with both hands and cums like a titan in her mouth. His legs are stretched out until they hit the front seat. He closes his eyes and feebly drops the electronic device where the Nubian, providentially accompanying Samuel, has just received a volley of milk on her light blue lips. Claudia sits up and, still with the milk in her mouth, watches in astonishment as the conductor arrives at their seats.

-Tickets, please? -asks the conductor. Only the darkness now that the tablet has fallen face down prevents the conductor from noticing the backpacker's expired cock. Claudia finishes swallowing Samuels massive load, and replies with a pasty tongue that now shows her the notes. The bored conductor barely looks at their tickets and leaves the carriage. Soon the loudspeaker announces that the next stop will be Ciudad Real and Samuel gets up, gathers his things and leaves without saying goodbye. Claudia watches him through the window as he leaves the platform and disappears into the night. Approximately fifty minutes later, the AVE arrives at Puerta de Atocha Almudena Grandes and Claudia also leaves the train, lost in thought.

Months later

Claudia is back on the same night train to Madrid. She wanders through the lonely carriages looking for her seat, when she sees a young man dozing in a grubby jacket listening to Edith Piaf at too high a volume. She walks over and sits down next to him. He's still wearing out a cock that should be banned by the Geneva convention. She takes off her suddenly damp panties, throws them in his face and starts masturbating in front of him. -fuck him, she thinks lasciviously. The young man opens his eyes and smiles that smile that is every woman's undoing.

-It's about time you showed up, I've been spending a lot of money on notes. -As he kneels down in front of her and sticks his tongue out, it plunges into Claudia's sex like a hot knife in butter.

Fucking greasy pig, now you're going to pay for it all at once, Claudia thinks with pleasure before letting herself go and surrendering to her longed-for pleasure.

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Follow Valentin@ on Instagram


  1. I love Claudia, she thinks she's so smart and in the end she always messes up. I love her character. Will there be a third part?

  2. Claudia is a character that I find very funny. I'm looking forward to reading how she moves from one situation to the next. The photo in the story, is that the adult content actress Azul Hermosa?

  3. It is indeed her, as I already said on my Instagram.... you're not telling me that you don't follow me there? Bad boy... I'll have to send you Claudia to tell you what's up.


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