
The magic Christmas of Manu & Vane (Christmas Special 2021)

All English translations are done as honestly as possible by a non-native speaker. However, if there are any mistakes, please feel free to comment.

The queue to make a Christmas wish to Santa Claus is kilometres long at the "Equinoccio Norte Madrid" shopping centre. Dozens of patient parents wait stoically, together with the absolute protagonists of these endearing holidays, the eternal queues that have been forming for hours. The mums are busy finishing off the last of their shopping while they wait anxiously for their offspring to deposit their Christmas wishes in the mailbox of the wooden hut and finally sit on the affable Santa's lap to express their relatively easy wishes. As usual, our Santa is fed up with the repellent children and sweating under his bulky suit and false beard.

Manu and Vane are lending a hand at the event, Manuela dressed up as Mama Noel with a generous cleavage and wide black belt and her friend Vanessa as an lively elf with suggestive red ringed stockings, suit and olive beanie.

-Next year it's your turn for the Mama Noel costume. The costume is super tight and my boobs are all over the place. One of these days I'll be left with my counter in the air -grumbles Manu, as he lovingly picks up another letter from a father with the best of smiles on his face. Father who has fucked her twice with his eyes and badly conceals his erection under the shopping bags. Manu smiles when he hears him tell his son, between giggles, that next year he should cut the crap and ask for a Mama Noel like the one he has just seen for poor Dad. The innocent child quickly runs to confess to his mother, who calls the child's father "sick and degenerate" and stops talking to him for the rest of the afternoon.

Vane, for his part, keeps giving orders to Ramiro, the trainee intern, dressed in hideous black horn-rimmed glasses and also disguised as an elf. His trousers are two sizes too small, an HR error, and he looks like he's carrying a whole load of flask batteries in the front. Adorning his jacket is a badge with the quip "Elf trainee" and a pictogram of a smiling elf working in a workshop. Hurry up boy with the bags, we're going to get the grapes if you don't get some more spirit into it -says the elf Vane.

The airline OpenFly Air has sponsored, with no expense spared this year, all the Santa Claus paraphernalia in the shopping centre. A small wooden cabin, decorated with brightly coloured light bulbs, artificial snow, a sleigh full of wrapped (and empty) packages marked with the airline's logo, sacks full of sweets, a mechanical reindeer that moves very little and a raffle with attractive prizes with the slogan "Only Santa Claus reaches more destinations than OpenFly Air, his proud partner this Christmas".

The manager of the northern area is dressed as Santa. An unremarkable man in every aspect of his life. The shift is almost over and as planned, Manu sits lasciviously last on his lap, much to the delight of the remaining parents, biting her lips and exclaiming, she's been a bad girl and perhaps doesn't deserve a present this year.

-What do you say, Santa? Are you going to spank me or can I still redeem myself?

The parents laugh like reindeer, silently wishing (each of them) more than ever to be in the shoes of the imaginary Santa they have so often pretended to be. Mama Noel shakes her ass, puts the index finger of her hand to her lips and prays with a knowing look that no one will give her away. Santa sits for a while longer with his hands folded in his lap with his cavernous Jo, Jo, Jo. The parents start to leave. He, on the other hand, still waits a good ten minutes to avoid the caligourous spectacle of standing up with his stiff cock poking curiously out of his red trousers.

In principle, only children are allowed to put their envelopes with wishes in the letterboxes, but Mama Noel has noticed how the scholar's dullard has also left his letter. And before long he's reading it to the elf Vane behind the hut while they smoke a cigarette... "Have a threesome with two women in a public place".

-Wow, what a horny little elf... -says Manu, biting his lower lip - Maybe he'll get his wish, what do you think, my little slutty helper?


-Everyone wins, everyone wins; if it's not a doll it's a ball! Take the chance to win great prizes to take home, trips, romantic weekends, discounts at our Duty-Free store, everything! A door to happiness for every coupon purchase! And all thanks to your favorite friendly airline, OpenFly Air! -exclaims an animated Vane elf as she wiggles her butt mischievously.

Men attracted by Vane's flamboyantly dressed exuberance line up to get their hands on the raffle. There isn't one who wouldn't want to grope her instead of inside the fucking raffle. Meanwhile elf intern Ramiro is in charge of validating the slips behind a small window in Santa's workshop. He looks a bit tense. Drops of sweat are beading on his forehead. Probably from the tension of a job well done or maybe it's just because he's wearing his pants at floor level while Manu sucks his friend's huge donkey cock. Manu loves young cocks. Pink and hard as rocks. Capable of cumming without measure, cocks that know no flaccidity or failure. Power without any control, but servant is already here to channel it where I like it, Manu thinks while she returns to lick and bite the elf helper's purplish glans. Ramiro is holding on as long as he can, while Manu doesn't stop sucking, tasting and nibbling his dick. Small bites on the testicles accompanied by quick masturbations that he tries to hide with half-smiles. Our elf is wearing only the jacket and the olive beanie, while Mama Noel, with both hands buried in the cheeks of his waxed ass, takes the whole cock rhythmically but slowly into her mouth. When she pulls away from the cock, Ramiro grabs her with the first free hand he has left, between validation and validation, by the nape of her neck so that Manu can reinsert his phallus without dilation. Fuck the scholar, what a huge cock he has.

An older woman, a former secretary of a law firm, calls Ramiro's attention.

-Good afternoon, young man, could you validate my prize? I think I've won the pressure cooker. -The woman asks.

Ramiro is not about to validate anything, about to cum and spurt a cumshot that could cover the North Pole. He can barely hold on to his beanie, which is about to fall off for the umpteenth time.

-What did he say he touched her? The pressurized cock? -Ramiro gasps.
-I beg your pardon, young man? -The old cockatoo replied, offended.
-Yes, yes, take the fucking pressure cooker away at once -answers the elf with his eyes rolled back in his head while he cums exaggeratedly in Manu's mouth.

The old woman continues without leaving, looking skeptically at Ramiro with narrowed eyes. Scandalized to see him reach under the window and offer the boy a Kleenex to wipe the pearly sweat from his forehead.

-Shame on you, young man, being up to your eyebrows in drugs in a place like this, full of innocent little creatures. -The old woman indoctrinates him.

Ramiro, with his right hand clenched in a raised fist, threatens her to get the fuck out of here while with his left hand clutching his cock he wipes his member on Manu's sweet syrupy lips. Ramiro's legs shake like a pudding.

Outside, the tumult of voices languishes little by little. Some establishments are closing and the voice over the public address system tells the customers that they will soon close their doors to the sound of a cheerful Christmas tune. Vane blows the last virtual kisses to the last unyielding parents, wishes them a Merry Christmas and reminds them that their favorite airline will always be OpenFly Air, while Manu inside the cabin, is fastening the wide black buttons of his scarlet suit again to hide his generous breasts with pink nipples that he had lasciviously massaged against Ramiro's swollen glans, taking his last drops of elven elixir.

-My wish has not yet been fulfilled -demands a vicious Ramiro, as he grabs Vane by the waist and pulls her stumbling into the cabin.

In an authoritarian way, he demands Manu not to lock the door.

-I don't care if I get caught. -he says.

In the blink of an eye, Ramiro has lifted up the mini-skirt of our Mama Noel's assistant and with his erect cock as a tool, he has pulled aside the tiny slutty red panties.

-You're so horny, don't they give you enough colored lollipops in the North Pole? -Vane formulates while she lifts her ass to facilitate Ramiro's imminent thrust and separates with the index and ring finger of her left hand the narrow slit of her magic mailbox.

-Will I still get a letter or a package today? asks the half-naked elf hesitantly.

As if maddened, Ramiro, with both hands, clutches the perfect inverted heart-shaped ass and penetrates her repeatedly while he angrily grabs the tassel of Vane's cap with his teeth. With one kick, Ramiro has thrown his pants into the antlers of a deer adorning the wall. The embarrassed deer is hidden behind his pants. The door to Santa's workshop hut is blown open by a gust of air and is left half open. Neither Ramiro, Manu nor Vane pay the slightest attention to it.

Without asking permission, Ramiro, cums inside Mama Noel's helper like a defective fire department hose only to continue his triumphant march unyielding. Were it not for the gushes of warm sperm leaving her wet vulva, forming thick rivers that trickle down both legs and the change from the dull, dry zup, zup to the sonorous splash, splash of cock plunging into Vane's semen-flooded cunny, I could have sworn the youngster hadn't cum yet.

-How wonderful it is to be young, to be able to cum several times knowing with certainty that your tool will respond again in a few minutes... the little elfin cock drives me crazy! -Vane thinks, as she bites into the sacks full of Christmas cards and reaches an unexpectedly brutal orgasm that makes her tear a sack to shreds. Her scream of pleasure is muffled between the letters asking for a Playstation 5 and the last stuffed animal that somersaults. Ramiro, meanwhile, has once again unloaded another brutal batch of Christmas wishes into Vane's mailbox.

Ramiro withdraws his still erect, hard member from Vane's fleshy apricot and calls out to an astonished Mama Noel who still can't believe that the elf helper's command staff is still so erect after three unloadings. He emerges from the workshop clad only in his jacket and throws himself backwards onto the front seat of the prop sled to the right of the cottage, shouting loudly.

-My wish has not yet been granted! -While applying a chocolate spray with colored sugar sprinkles on his cock and balls.
-Fuck, sis, he's used almost half a bottle to cover his dick -comments a spellbound Manu to Vane.
-What are you waiting for? Come and eat the fucking dessert -demands Ramiro, out of his mind.

Manu and Vane look at each other, shrug their shoulders and approach sinuously leaning over the elf. Manu drops Mama Noel's tight cloak and Vane undoes her elven skirt. They both keep their booties on. That's as far as we could go. They sink their knees into the fake snow and without complaint (wishes are meant to be granted) begin to lick his cock in unison. Our lucky elf folds his arms behind his neck in the shape of a pillow, closes his eyes in pleasure and thinks "I fucking love Christmas".

Perfectly synchronized Manu and Vane, suck with an almost religious devotion the incredible member. They giggle like naughty girls as they pass the cock to each other. While one licks, the other sucks the loaded (again) testicles.

-This time, smart-ass, let me know when you're going to cum, I almost choked before - Mama Noel scolds the horny elf.

Ramiro answers her dryly that less talking and more sucking. Vane loves eating cock and having it melt on her lips, but even more she loves getting her pussy eaten properly (ask Manu), so she sits on the elf's face in front of Mama Noel.

-Earn yourself an extra game, you jumping midget -she says as she rubs her intimate lips on Ramiro's mouth. Manu has joined him and is riding him.
-That's it, earn yourself an extra cumshot. -he assures him.

Ramiro is an exceptional cunnilingus eater, his tongue could play a guitar as virtuous as it is. Manu and Vane are kissing on top of him. Nobody kisses a woman better than another woman.

-Fuck, she's going to break me. -Manu thinks, while she feels the irreducible cock piercing her with every thrust. She gropes his shaved balls, marvels at how fat they are again and reaffirms her assumption that he's about to come again. She squeezes them and affirms to the pan, no longer an elf.

-Who's in charge now, you bastard?

The answer would be "You" if Ramiro wasn't at that very moment pulling with his lips on Vane's nipple, making her come almost immediately.

-I'm so excited -she gasps aloud.

Seeing Vane in ecstasy with her eyes rolling back in her head and her body tensing up, Manu gets extremely aroused and she increases the speed of her ride, only to discover that she's going to cum as well. Helpless, she grabs her soulmate's face, and they both cum while kissing. Ramiro crowns the cake, cumming furiously inside Manu's pussy, squeezing Mama Noel's rounded ass with all his might to the scream "Merry Christmas everyone, fucking hell!"

They both fall defeated beside the elf, exhausted. When they open their eyes again, Ramiro has magically departed, just as his pants have ceased to adorn the deer's antlers. On the upper floors of the mall, the lights are being switched off in a chain, and Samir, the security guard, boredly checks that no one is left behind, immersed in his thoughts. Manu and Vane hide in the hut between giggles, and dress in street clothes. Manu forgoes cleaning his sperm, he'll do it later, and puts on his tight leggings while Vane finishes grooming his hair, already dressed in tight black leather pants.

Christmas Day

After breakfast at the Intercontinental Hotel, Manu and Vane can hardly move.

-Sis, my whole body hurts. My pussy is still red-hot -confesses a resigned Vane, while she drains her coffee in short sips. Manu also affirms.
-My dear assistant... I also have the feeling that the whole regiment of Santa Claus' horny elves has fucked me, I'm exhausted... How has that little boy, that elf of three to the room... defeated us who have more experience as Mata Hari?

They both laugh heartily, and soon they head off to finish packing up all the paraphernalia of the shopping center. When they arrive, a nervous boy is waiting for them near the cabin.

-Sorry to bother you, ladies, I came to apologize. Yesterday I had a setback, I had a fever and I could not lend a hand as the regent ordered. -confesses an embarrassed boy.
-But who the hell are you? -they answer in unison, both surprised.
-I am Ramiro Hurtado, they asked me to lend a hand.

Manu and Vane, astonished, send him off with a loud bang. They are still in shock when they see a tiny note stuck to the door of the cabin that reads "Merry Christmas, my dear helpers. I hope I was able to fulfill your wishes. Santa."

Manu looks dumbfounded at Vane.

-What the hell did you ask Santa for? You didn't happen to fill out a little letter, did you?

Vane laughs nervously.

-What can I tell you? I really like Christmas and I didn't think I was going to get my wish for a magical Christmas....

Manuela rolls her eyes, still unable to assimilate that in the end, the magic powders have been poured on them and that they have been fucked like two slutty schoolgirls?

Merry Christmas to everyone, fucking hell!

If you liked Manu & Vane's Christmas story, or want to know more about their adventures, leave us a comment!

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