
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2021


OpenFly Air, Part IV - Two hot hostesses in Galicia

All English translations are done as honestly as possible by a non-native speaker. However, if there are any mistakes, please feel free to comment. 🇪🇦  spanish version Commander Arias announces over the loudspeaker that the plane will enter turbulence and asks all passengers to fasten their seat belts. Manu hurriedly finishes her coffee and tells her colleague Vanessa that they must hurry. With the best of smiles, Manuela tells a young couple to stop reaching under the blanket and to fasten their seat belts, both the seat belts and he the seat belt. Vanessa, for her part, is almost done with her row, and she plays the clueless and falls over with her whole body, in front of the businessman she had her eye on a while before. -Oops , sorry, sir... these turbulences always catch me on the wrong foot -Vane excuses herself, resting her hands on her muscular chest, and making sure to rub her delicious tits over his face. -It's OK -the athletic man comforts her as he helps her by grabbi...

Las navidades mágicas de Manu & Vane (Especial Navidad 2021)

CONTENIDO ADULTO EXCLUSIVO MAYORES 18 AÑOS 🇬🇧 english version      La cola para pedir un deseo navideño a Santa Claus es kilométrica en el centro comercial "Equinoccio Norte Madrid" . Decenas de pacientes padres aguardan estoicamente, junto a los protagonistas absolutos de estas entrañables fiestas, las eternas colas que se están formando desde hace horas. Las mamás finiquitan a todo correr las últimas compras mientras que ellos esperan ansiosos que su prole deposite sus deseos navideños en el buzón de la cabaña de madera y se sienta finalmente en las rodillas del afable Santa para expresarle sus relativos fáciles deseos. Como es normal, nuestro Santa está hasta los huevos de los repelentes niños y de sudar bajo su voluminoso traje y barba postiza.      Manu y Vane están echando una mano al evento, disfrazada Manuela de Mama Noel de generoso escote y ancho cinturón negro y su amiga Vanessa de pizpereta elfa de sugerentes medias anilladas rojas, traje y g...

The magic Christmas of Manu & Vane (Christmas Special 2021)

All English translations are done as honestly as possible by a non-native speaker. However, if there are any mistakes, please feel free to comment. 🇪🇦  spanish version The queue to make a Christmas wish to Santa Claus is kilometres long at the "Equinoccio Norte Madrid" shopping centre. Dozens of patient parents wait stoically, together with the absolute protagonists of these endearing holidays, the eternal queues that have been forming for hours. The mums are busy finishing off the last of their shopping while they wait anxiously for their offspring to deposit their Christmas wishes in the mailbox of the wooden hut and finally sit on the affable Santa's lap to express their relatively easy wishes. As usual, our Santa is fed up with the repellent children and sweating under his bulky suit and false beard. Manu and Vane are lending a hand at the event, Manuela dressed up as Mama Noel with a generous cleavage and wide black belt and her friend Vanessa as an lively elf wit...